If you are someone who suffers from hay fever every year around this time, or else even more unfortunately, you tend to get hay fever in bouts throughout the year, then you will no doubt be searching for effective yet affordable ways to manage it.

With this in mind, continue reading to learn of the various treatments for hay fever, hopefully some of which you will be interested in trying.

What Exactly Is Hay Fever?

Essentially, hay fever is when the inside of the nostrils and nasal passages are irritated and/or inflamed.

The most common signs and symptoms of a bout of hay fever in an individual include the following:

  • Red and itchy eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing

1.    Nasal Sprays

One of the most effective ways to treat hay fever, the advantage being that it gets directly to the part of your face that hay fever affects, is the use of nasal sprays.

Steroid nasal sprays, otherwise often referred to as corticosteroid nasal sprays, are sprayed directly into the nasal cavity and are not only used to effectively treat hay fever, but also non-allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and nasal polyps.

2.    Fexofenadine Tablets

Another incredibly effective and proven to be powerful way to treat the signs and symptoms of hay fever is that of tablets, namely the fexofenadine variety.

Fexofenadine tablets’ main ingredient is that of the active component, fexofenadine hydrochloride, which works as an incredibly strong antihistamine. Antihistamines’ sole job is block the numerous negative effects that histamines have on the body.

3.    Your Home

When it comes to more general ways, aside from medication, to protect yourself against the more severe side-effects and symptoms of hay fever, it is important to pay attention to your home and lifestyle as well.

One of the best ways to prevent serious attacks of hay fever is, frankly, to stay indoors when the pollen count is particularly high. When you are indoors in high pollen areas, try to keep the doors and windows closed wherever feasibly possible as well as ensuring to vacuum as regularly as possible.

4. Invest In An Air Humidifier

Air humidifiers and air purifiers are one of the best investments for a person who regularly experiences attacks of hay fever, as such a device works to sanitize the air as much as possible.

Air purifiers are available from a myriad of different online retailers and high street stores and can substantially reduce the signs and severity of hay fever by ridding the air inside your home of allergens, pollutants and toxins.

5.    Eye Drops

For someone who is unbothered by touching their eyes and surrounding areas on the face, then another excellent way to reduce the impact of hay fever is to use eye drops.

For serious bouts of hay fever, your eyes are likely to become not just itchy and red but also somewhat bloodshot and it is in these situations whereby eye drops are perhaps the best option of them all.