Got an online business?

That’s great, but you won’t find success until you take advantage of every marketing avenue out there. 20% of businesses close within a year but good marketing can prevent this. There are many online marketing types to utilize, and each one can help boost website traffic, sales, and subscriptions. 

What are the different types of online marketing, and how do you use them to your advantage?

We’ve got the answers and more below. Continue reading our list right here to learn more about online marketing and what you can do to succeed in today’s digital landscape.

1. Search Engine Marketing

Of all the types of online marketing, SEO should sit at the top of your priorities list. A majority of people still rely on search engines to find what they need, and Google is still the leading tool up to the task.

How does SEO work?

It all starts with solid keyword research. Use tools like SEMRush or Google Keyword Planner to identify the keywords people use to find the information they need or want. Start creating content and optimize your pages using those keywords.

This means you need to use those keywords on your page metadata, including alt tags on images, page title, URL, and meta description. You need to use those keywords on blog posts and page content too. 

Don’t simply rely on keyword search volume, however. You need to find out what’s trending too. Create evergreen content that people will constantly link back to since this boosts your reputation as the authority over a specific niche. 

2. Content Marketing

The goals of all types of online marketing are simple to understand: attract potential consumers and convince them to avail of your products or services. If SEO is the usher welcoming people to your site, good content is the final push to make them spend money.

Content marketing is all about informing and educating your audience. At the same time, you need to entertain them too. Otherwise, they’ll move over to your competitors, even when you offer the same deal.

Blog posts can knock out two birds with one stone. Blogs are great for SEO, but they also entertain and inform readers. However, you shouldn’t limit your efforts to blogs alone.

Content can encompass a wide range of things. For example, you can focus on short video content, audio content like podcasts, or images. All of these can generate interest and boost conversion rates.

Make content that can become viral. Create something people will want to check out, share, and dissect.

3. Paid Ads

At the end of the day, you need marketing tactics that will push people to spend money. You need to convince them to buy something, hire your services, or pay for a subscription or membership. This is where a strong PPC strategy comes into play.

Paid ads, such as Google ads or the ones you see on social media and YouTube, offer one thing that other forms of marketing don’t. With a single glance at an advertisement, people can determine if they’ll spend or not. This is because most paid ads showcase a price or a discount percentage. 

With social media platforms, you can optimize your ads even further.

Take Instagram, for example. You can make traditional photo ads, but you can also take advantage of video ads, reel ads, Story ads, and more. There are now new ways to present your ads to people exploring and enjoying their favorite social media apps. 

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is all about taking high-volume leads and pushing them to perform a profitable action. Remember that these people already show interest in your services and products. They signed up for the newsletter, after all, and they want updates or special deals. 

Give them what they want, and they’ll keep on coming back.

Use tools to determine what kind of shopper each person on your email list is. If someone keeps responding when you give them free shipping vouchers, give them more. Otherwise, you’ll waste time showing these people things they don’t need or want.

Don’t force them to filter out your emails! Your messages should come up as entertaining and informative, not as spam.

However, don’t simply give without presenting more options. Entice them to keep spending by advertising new products or other items that are currently on sale.

Does someone only respond when you inform them of the latest products? Curate an email message that specifically highlights new products for them. Add in a few “new product sales” in there, and they might spend more than they initially planned.

5. Social Media Influencers

One of the newer types of online marketing is influencer marketing. An influencer is someone on social media with thousands or even millions of followers. Paying them to endorse your brand, product, or service with a post instantly exposes your business to their audience. 

Don’t take influencers lightly, either. TikTok has well over 1 billion users, and the number of people on Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube continues to rise. You could miss out on millions of consumers by avoiding social media and its influencers.

A micro-influencer is someone with at least 10,000 to 50,000 followers. These are the more affordable people to work with. As the number of followers increase, expect to pay more for their services.

Use These Online Marketing Types Today

Now you know about the five most effective online marketing types that you need to start using today. These methods guarantee you’ll increase your exposure, authority, and traffic from email marketing to SEO. Put these techniques to good use, and you’ll also be able to boost conversions and profit.

Of course, you shouldn’t stop with these five marketing types. There are other methods to take advantage of too.

If you enjoyed this guide and want to learn more marketing advice, keep on reading our posts. We cover a wide range of tips and tricks. We also discuss other business and advertising topics too!