Do you have second thoughts after making the commitment to run a marathon?

Making the decision to say yes to participating in a marathon is the easiest part. But many runners struggle in knowing how to prepare and how to participate in the right way.

Read on and we’ll give you important tips for running a marathon so that you’re ready when the big day comes.

1. Know What Your Fitness Limits Are

Most seasoned runners agree that it’s best to start marathon training activities at least four months before the big event. It’s even better to start preparing earlier than this. But you’re probably going to regret it if you don’t give yourself enough time.

If you’re not ready to put in the time and energy to prepare for the race, consider waiting to run a marathon until you do feel ready.

2. One Of The Best Tips for Running a Marathon Is To Travel The Course Before The Event

Traveling the course will help you to be ready physically and mentally for your big race. This will help you to know things such as what hills you will face and where the flat areas are.

In knowing these details, you’ll have an edge on the competition.

3. Don’t Depend On Your Expensive Shoes

One of the biggest myths about running is that the clothes and shoes you wear will make you into a good runner. Even though it’s important to have a great pair of running shoes, don’t let them give a false sense of security.

The same is true for clothing. It’s important to have clothes that are comfortable and won’t chaff. But don’t buy an expensive outfit just because you think it will help you run faster.

4. Know What Motivates You So That You Can Get Through Difficult Moments

There is no doubt that you’re going to hit a mental wall. This is why one of the most important tips for running a marathon is to be proactive by preparing yourself for difficult moments.

There are some professional runners who choose to dedicate the most challenging miles of their marathons to people who they care about. This is a way to motivate oneself by remembering the most important reasons why you choose to run.

5. Track Yourself Around Every Turn

One of the great things about mobile apps is that they give you the chance to track yourself while you’re out running. This is a great way to know things such as your pace and your heart rate.

There is also an app, called Coordinates, that you can use to track yourself and other race participants in real-time. Using this app will help you know your place in relation to other runners, which is a great tool to have. Find out more by visiting their website at

6. Treat Your Feet Well

When it comes down to it, your feet are the most important part of your body while you’re running. This is why it’s important that you treat them well.

Wear the right socks that don’t slip in your feet. Lace your shoes tightly. And consider trimming your toenails before race day.

7. Save Some Juice For The End Of The Run

Many first-time marathon runners make the mistake of setting out from the gates too quickly. By the end of the race, they run out of energy. If you want to know how to be good at marathons, remember to pace yourself.

Running A Marathon Is One Of The Most Rewarding Things You Can Do For Yourself

No matter how you prepare to run a marathon, it’s bound to be a rewarding experience. Though there are many tips for running a marathon, the very best thing you can do is to set aside enough time to prepare before the race.

Now that you know about how to run a marathon the right way, why not get into the world and start running? And don’t forget to check out the health section of our blog to find out more about what it takes to be a great runner.