GRE exam preparation can be stressful, especially if you have only a few months left for the exam. Lakhs of aspirants appear for the GRE every year, which makes it a highly competitive entrance examination. Considering the competition involved, getting a high score in GRE will not be easy.

However, the right resources and a smart study plan can help you stand out from the rest of the applicants, and achieve your goals.  And, in case you have only one month left for the exam, the following GRE study plan for four weeks would be beneficial. So read on!

What to Do if You Have 4 Weeks Before Your GRE Exam

Week 1:

Begin your preparation by familiarizing yourself with the GRE exam format and pattern. The official website of the GRE is the best source for this. Learn about the GRE format, the types of questions asked, and other important details about the test. Once you are thorough with the format, revise the mathematical concepts.

If your math fundamentals are not strong, revising the concepts constantly will help you. Hence, start with a math topic that you are weaker in, and then go through the sample questions based on that specific topic.

Week 2:

On the 2nd week of preparation, spend time learning the concepts of the verbal section. Go through the concepts of Reading Comprehension, Text Completion, and Sentence Equivalence, and devote time to learn techniques to boost your reading speed.

The best way to do this is by developing a habit of reading. Try to read articles from various genres from standard publications, and this will also improve your vocabulary. Once you learn the concepts, check your progress by solving GRE papers. If you are concentrating on verbal, solve as many verbal sample questions as you can in the second week. 

Week 3:

On the third week of preparation, focus mainly on improving your time management skills and revising what you have learnt earlier. Go through the topics from Quant and Verbal that you are good at. For eg; If you are good at Algebra and Text Completion, brush up on the concepts you’ve learnt.

You must not skip the portions that you are good at, just because you find them easy to grasp. The more you learn, the better are the chances of performing well in the exam. Hence, revise whatever you have learnt and attempt a GRE sample paper to assess your knowledge. Solving sample papers will help you learn some time management strategies as well. This is when you should also take some mock tests too. 

Week 4:

Spend the fourth week of preparation to review and analyze your mistakes and error areas. Start solving questions of higher difficulty level. The official website of GRE has some sample questions and solutions that are similar to the actual questions asked in the test. Also, set a timer while solving the paper, and calculate your score.

If you find some errors, check the solution to understand what went wrong. Never try to learn a new concept in the last week of the GRE preparation as cramming the concepts could stress you at the last moment. 

Hope this GRE study plan for 30 days helps! However, this is just a sample plan. If you have more time, feel free to expand it according to your convenience. Once you create a plan, stick to the schedule. Good luck!