Having a proper network in your business premises is crucial to streamline how your business operates its functions. A structured cabling system, for example, should be a perfect inclusion in the whole networking system. Without a structured system, you are just dealing with a cluster of a mess that can lead to losses at any minute for your company.
Tools such as cables from reliable fiber optic cable suppliers, server cabinets for storing servers and so on should be the right method to build a network for your business. Having an organized network ensures that you never face downtime. It is crucial to understand that less downtime means less chances of losses.
Therefore, in this article, we look at the crucial components that you need to build a proper networking setup for your company.
Plan the Network
Start with a plan for the network to understand what materials and components you need. You want to be able to understand how the finished product will look like. Always aim for maximum efficiency and least amount of clutter when setting up a network.
It is common for businesses to go with a point-to-point cabling system at the beginning, however, that isn’t an efficient method to manage your cabling system. If one of the joints malfunction, the whole network goes down. The longer the network is down, the more losses you have to deal with.
Further, identifying the problematic area in a traditional or point-to-point system is difficult as you cannot pinpoint the exact location. Therefore, a structured cabling system should be the right choice.
You can identify everything from a single system, and if one connection is malfunctioned, other connections won’t be affected. This not only streamline the whole cabling system but also ensure maximum efficiency and network longevity.
Once you have a network setup planned and ready to install, you need to choose the right cables. In general, it is preferred to select cables that provide high speed connection and are cost-effective at the same time. Cost effectiveness is crucial, as you do not want to spend every dime on cables if they do not provide good ROI.
Consider all the conditions, Cat6 cables are a perfect candidate for a structured network. They are strong, fast and are generally better than previous versions. Cat6 cables offer fiber optic connections which are among the fastest connections you can find for a wired network.
From speeds around 1 to 10 Gigabit, you can rest assured that your business faces the least amount of downtime and network problems in the future. Further they offer 205 MHz frequency that is much higher than its predecessor, resulting in much higher data transfers at a time.
Components & Safety
Apart from the usual, you need some other components to complete the network, such as server cabinets, jacks and connectors, and so on. Server cabinets are crucial for efficiently storing your servers.
Since these servers contain crucial business information and data about your website and business, ensuring their safety is also necessary. Therefore, try to invest in cabinets that provide lock features on both ends, and offer multiple racks for storing multiple servers and other network components.
Further, getting cat6 keystone jacks would be the right choice for your structured cabling systems for maximum compatibility. It is also crucial to understand that your cabling system should not be installed where there are obstructions and harsh conditions.
Areas where other components such as water pipe, heating instruments, electric wires and so on are installed should generally be avoided. And as always, consider finding the best supplier for cabling systems by searching for Structured cabling Dubai on the internet.
We hope this information is helpful for you in the future when you want to get the best ethernet networking setup for your network connection. If you think this information would be helpful for others then share it with your friends.