
Inquisitive is an adjective, which shows a behaviour of a person who is eager to know or discover about something, and sometimes in such a way that annoys someone.

The use of the inquisitive word:

As we said earlier, inquisitive is an adjective, so you can use this word whenever there is a scenario needing some analytical, curiousness, or investigative nature is needed. This word is of high school level, so it might be difficult for those people to use it normally – who have just started with English learning, though with appropriate practice, it can easily be added into your vocabulary compared to other high school level vocabs. 

This word sound more formal than curious, eager, or other of its synonyms, thus, can be used in formal writing or business writing approach. 


  • An inquisitive mind
  • An inquisitive neighbour
  • When John came out of his room, he saw inquisitive faces looking at him, like he has done some sort of crime. 

Close Inquisitive Synonyms: Curious, Prying, Eager, etc.

Distant Inquisitive Synonyms: Analytical, Poking, Investigative, Intrusive, questioning, scrutinizing, searching, speculative, Nosy, etc. 

Inquisitive Synonyms:



Curious is a neutral term, which shows a volunteering desire to know or learn something. 

Curious as an adjective can also be referred to as a STRANGE event. 

The use of the curious word:

Due to its neutral sound, it is often used in general verbal communication and sometimes also in a semi-formal writing style.

Though, many editors and writers’ advice avoiding using it in formal, semi-formal, or business writing. 


  • After seeing the first episode of Gotham, Shelly became curious to know “how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman?” 
  • The analytical nature of Sherlock Holmes always breaks the curious mind wall of John H. Watson. 
  • “What are you trying to say?” “You are breaking patience and making me even more curious”, Jane said. 

Synonyms of curious: Bizarre, Eerie, Peculiar, etc.



Prying is an adjective that can be referred to as an action in which an actor is trying to find out hidden facts about a person.

Verb form: Pry

The use of the word Prying:

This word, you may have heard in detective movies or series, like a detective is dedicatedly trying to find out witnesses against a particular actor.

This word is mostly used in the content of a human being or animal. 


  • Somehow, Lincoln managed to get away from police officers’ prying eyes. 
  • While walking on the road, Sia could sense prying eyes following her.  

Synonyms of prying: Forward, Meddling, Nosy, Snoopy, etc.


Among other close and distant Inquisitive Synonyms, you can say that Curious and Prying are the closest and appropriate Inquisitive Synonyms, especially when writing form is concerned. 

Though you can also use other synonyms, but need to analyse their definition and use context in depth. Therefore, it is advisable to use curious and prying in the place of inquisitive rather than other Inquisitive Synonyms.

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