Kidneys, small bean-shaped organs, are basically the filter house of the body. Its major function is to remove wastes from the blood. In the case of chronic kidney disease, the ability of the kidney to remove wastes from the body is certainly reduced.
With decreased kidney efficiency, it becomes necessary to follow a kidney-friendly diet. A person has to be even more cautious about his diet in case of serious kidney disease. According to an estimate, about 37 million people in the US are suffering from serious kidney disease. Among adults, every 1 in seven adults suffers from kidney disease.
Kidney-Friendly Diet
One has to be really cautious about food and fluids in case of kidney disease. Like the body, it is not able to properly remove waste out of blood in the body. Using a kidney-friendly diet helps to lower down the stress on the kidney. Let us discuss a few healthy kidney-friendly foods.
- Apples
Experts suggest avoiding potassium-rich foods and fruits. Luckily apples have very low potassium levels. Other than being low on potassium, apples are nutritious and offer many benefits. These supply body with pectin
Pectin is a soluble fiber that also assists the body in keeping blood cholesterol levels low. In addition, it also helps to manage blood glucose levels. Apples are loaded with iron and are also a rich source of Vitamin C
- Blueberries
Other than apples, berries are fruits that are low in potassium level. This makes it very kidney-friendly. Berries of any type, such as blueberries and strawberries, are not only low-calorie fruits but are also very rich in antioxidants that are beneficial for the health of the body.
In addition to fiber, blueberries make a great source of Vitamin C. Hence not only is it beneficial for a healthy heart, but it is also very beneficial for damaged kidneys.
- Fatty Fish
Kidney disease is basically caused by other chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. Taking a diet that helps to manage blood pressure and blood sugar level also helps with kidney diseases. Fatty fish, including mackerel, tuna, sardines, and salmon, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Research supports the numerous cardiovascular benefits of fatty fish. Firstly it helps to manage blood cholesterol levels and keeps the level of unhealthy triglycerides to a low level. It is also beneficial in keeping blood pressure in control, making it beneficial for kidneys too.
- Egg Whites
It is a great source of proteins, especially for people with serious kidney disease. Egg whites are very low in phosphorus, making them a superfood for people with kidney disease. The protein that the body gets from egg whites has all essential amino acids.
- Cabbage
Low in potassium, cabbage is an effective addition to the kidney diet. Cabbage is a great source of folic acid and vitamin B6. In addition to fiber, cabbage is very rich in phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have major functions on the body; firstly, these combat free radicals before they do any damage. These phytochemicals are also very effective in improving cardiovascular health.
Food Items To Limit In Kidney Disease
With damage, it is very crucial to be watchful of foods and fluid intake. Likewise, avoiding and limiting certain foods can help to maintain a balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Limiting certain food items is necessary because, if not controlled, it can further damage kidneys.
- Alcohol
Avoid or limit alcohol intake if you have kidney disease because only by taking two glasses of alcohol, a person may worsen the condition of the kidneys. Furthermore, it drastically affects kidney function and makes it hard for kidneys to remove waste from the blood.
It is better to seek professional treatment for addiction in case of serious kidney disease. A person cannot go on with a drinking habit with serious kidney disease. There are greater chances that a person may end up with kidney failure if they remain unsuccessful in giving up on alcohol.
- Table Salt
Salt is a source of sodium, and sodium is important to not only manage water balance in the body but also it helps to manage blood pressure levels. It is better to avoid the unnecessary use of table salt. Another good way to avoid excess salt is by limiting the use of canned and packaged food, as it has way too much salt in it.
- Foods Rich In Potassium
In the case of kidney disease, it becomes extremely hard for kidneys to remove excess potassium from the blood. High potassium levels in the blood can result in other health issues. Therefore, for people with kidney disease, a kidney-friendly diet is less in potassium levels such as oranges, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and broccoli.
- Foods Rich In Phosphorous
With decreased kidney function, the body becomes unable to efficiently remove excess phosphorus out of the blood. Phosphorus is a mineral that plays very key functions in the body; the excess amount of phosphorus in the blood can weaken bone and damage blood vessels. Foods such as soda drinks, meat, nuts, and beans are rich in phosphorous.
- Water-Rich Foods
With problematic kidneys, the body cannot get rid of extra fluids. A person must be very careful of his fluid intake. Maintaining a water balance is really a task for such people. One great way to control fluid levels in the body is by avoiding water-rich foods such as watermelon
- Calcium- Rich Foods
In many cases, dietitians ask you to take calcium supplements rather than calcium-rich foods such as dairy products. This is because naturally, the foods that are rich in calcium are also rich in phosphorus. Hence in order to avoid phosphorus, you also have to take care of calcium-rich foods.
Take Away
There are various stages of kidney diseases. Based on the stage of your kidney disease, your doctor and dietitian might suggest a meal plan for you to avoid further damage to your kidneys. The aim of such a meal plan is to avoid excess sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and fluids in the blood.