About 85% of shoppers use the internet to search for local businesses. In fact, traffic through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising yields 50% more conversions than organic advertising. Paid advertising yields a 200% ROI rate, too. 

Using PPC advertising for the first time alone could become costly, though. One small mistake could cause you to blow through your budget. Instead, consider PPC management services this year.

Not sure which PPC management agencies offer the best services? Here are seven tips that can help you vet your options.

With this PPC management guide, you can learn how to choose the best agency based on your needs and goals. They can manage your campaigns to help you reach more customers. Then, you can generate awareness, traffic, leads, and sales with ease.

Set your business up for lasting growth and success. Discover how to find the best PPC management company with these tips today.

1. Establish Goals

Before hiring a PPC management company, it’s important to make sure they’re able to provide the help you need. Take a moment to consider your goals. For example, you might consider using PPC management to:

  • Boost brand awareness and recognition
  • Appear in front of ideal customers online
  • Boost your search engine rankings with ads
  • Gain more website traffic
  • Generate more leads and sales
  • Improve your cost-per-acquisition

Ads can increase brand awareness by 80%.

If you want to generate more brand awareness, you might want to use visual ads. In that case, make sure the agency has design capabilities.

You might need an agency that can improve your website landing pages, too. Strong landing pages can help you generate more leads. It can also boost your quality score (QS), ensuring you pay less for ads. 

Establishing your goals can help you determine which agency is equipped to accomplish those goals. Otherwise, they might lack the services or expertise you’re searching for. They might waste your time and money as a result. 

2. Gather Referrals

Talk to other business owners you know and trust. Ask your inner circle if they can recommend PPC management agencies. If they worked with an agency in the past, ask about their experience.

First, make sure the team was experienced and knowledgeable. If they struggled to answer the client’s questions, avoid that agency. Otherwise, their lack of expertise could hurt your campaigns.

Ask each client if the agency accomplished their goals. Determine if the client encountered problems, too.

If they did, ask if the agency tried to fix the problem. Choose an agency that wants to ensure clients are happy.

If you don’t know anyone who requested PPC management services in the past, that’s okay. Look online instead. Visit each agency’s BBB and Google My Business profile.

Read a handful of reviews from each site. Make sure the PPC management company has a strong reputation. They’ll want to keep that reputation by offering the best services possible. 

3. Look for Experience

Remember, you’ll want to find an agency with relevant experience and expertise. Learn more about each PPC management agency on your list. When did each company open?

Try to find a long-established business with years of experience offering PPC management services. If this is their first year offering PPC as a service, choose a different agency. You don’t want them to use your business as a guinea pig. 

Try to find an agency that’s worked with businesses within your industry, too. Their prior experience could give you an advantage. These agencies will understand your business, industry, and customers.

For example, attorneys might want to choose Digital Logic’s PPC for lawyers.

They might help by creating stronger ads that appeal to your target audience. 

4. Review Case Studies

It’s not enough to find PPC management agencies with years of experience. Determine what they’ve done in that time, too. Ask each agency if they can offer case studies.

If they’ve worked with a business like yours in the past, review those case studies first.

What key performance indicators (KPIs) did the agency track? For example, they might have focused on website traffic, leads, or sales. Maybe they focused on the cost-per-acquisition.

Make sure the agency was able to accomplish their client’s goals. If their case studies don’t show change over time, don’t hire them. These agencies could struggle to set your business up for success.

They could waste your time and money, too. 

5. Discuss Their Process

Schedule an interview with three different agencies. Then, ask about their process.

They should start by asking about your distinct goals. Only then can they create campaigns with your goals in mind. Otherwise, they could make assumptions when creating your ad campaigns.

They should also take the time to learn about your business and customers.

Ask how they gather keyword research, too. What keywords will they focus on?

Determine if they’ll create dedicated landing pages on your website as well. If not, your ads might not convert website visitors into customers. Your QS might drop, increasing your cost-per-click.

Look for an agency that already has a plan in place. Then, make sure they customize that plan based on your distinct goals. 

6. Schedule Interviews

During your interview with each agency, take the time to ask any questions you still have. For example, ask if they’re better with creating new campaigns or adjusting existing ones. Determine what they’ll do if your campaigns don’t generate results.

Ask if they can use both Google Ads and Facebook Ads, too. Make sure they have experience working with each platform.

Determine how often they’ll review your campaigns and when they’ll report the results. 

7. Consider Pricing

Ask at least three PPC management agencies about their fee structure. How do they bill? Ask what happens if you’re not satisfied with the campaign results, too.

Gathering three quotes can help you gauge the average price. 

Don’t choose the cheapest agency. Instead, review your notes to make a more informed choice. 

Start Searching: 7 Tips for Finding the Best PPC Management Agencies

Finding the best PPC management agencies can set your business up for long-term growth. With a strong campaign, you can reach more customers. Then, you can generate fresh leads and sales with ease.

Start searching for the best PPC management companies with these tips today.

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