Spend five minutes of your day scrolling beauty accounts on Instagram and Tik Tok, and one thing is guaranteed.

You’ll come across the smiling face of an influencer (with glowing skin and shiny hair) talking about how much she loves collagen supplements.

But why has this supplement become the hottest talking point in 2021 (ok, after COVID-19, admittedly)? Is taking collagen supplements truly the modern-day fountain of youth?

We have the answers here, with our sneak peek into some of the main health benefits of collagen.

Stronger Bones

Most of us know about the risks of osteoporosis as we age. Keeping your bones strong is an integral part of reducing your risk of osteoporosis and the dangers of breaking a bone if you fall.

But did you know that strong bones will also help you maintain a strong posture? That, in turn, will help prevent aches and joint pain in your body.

One easy way to strengthen your bones is by taking regular collagen.

More Youthful Skin

As skin ages, it loses elasticity. That’s down to a decline in collagen production, which helps keep the skin supple, fully hydrated, and boost skin elasticity.

You can help transform the appearance of your skin through collagen supplements. These supplements will keep your collagen levels high enough to prevent wrinkles and dry and sagging skin.

Many women swear by collagen for keeping their skin looking clear, vibrant, and smooth.

Taking Collagen Can Improve Muscle Mass

Keeping your body toned becomes more difficult as we age. That’s because we start to lose muscle mass. Keeping the same muscle size means longer (and more challenging) workouts at the gym.

Collagen is a type of protein, and as with other proteins, muscle tissue uses it. In other words, if you want a strong, toned body, take collagen regularly.

It Increases Your Protein Intake

Nutrition experts often tell us about the health benefits of eating more protein. That’s true for anyone on a weight loss plan that bans or has limited carbohydrates.

Collagen is a natural and high-quality source of protein and will help your body get the nutrients it needs when you need to improve your diet.

If you can’t stomach another steak, why not start taking a regular collagen supplement instead?

If you are pregnant, it’s essential to know what you can and cannot include in your diet. So here is the definitive answer on whether you can take collagen while pregnant.

Beautiful Healthy Nails and Hair

Who wants to spend money on expensive nail and hair treatments when there is a more straightforward option?

Do you suffer from weak, brittle nails? Collagen is an excellent way to strengthen them. Your manicured hands will look transformed.

And if you have dry hair or suffer split ends, collagen can help with that, too. It strengthens the hair particles leaving your mane looking glossy, smooth, and healthy.

Boost Your Health the Easy Way

There are plenty of time-consuming and complicated ways to improve how you look or improve your health. But taking collagen is not one of them. It’s easy, low cost, with many proven benefits.

Check out our health section for more recommendations for more up-to-date beauty tips.