To begin, what exactly is employee engagement? Employee engagement is described as when employees have a sense of belonging and are committed to their jobs.
A highly engaged workforce is more productive, happy, and willing to go above and beyond. It’s the perfect formula for corporate success.

When we talk about a company’s employee experience, it goes without saying that the job of HR experts is automatically linked to it.

Human resource is the only department in the company that is inextricably linked to each and every employee. Before the employee starts working for the organisation and even after they leave, the human resources department is responsible for making important decisions that have a direct impact on the employee’s life.

HR experts are not only more sensitive to the requirements of the entire workforce, but they also have a much deeper understanding of the company’s strengths and limitations.

Employee Engagement in HR:

While all departments in the organization can and should use various employee engagement measures, HR departments are especially important to the success of employee engagement strategies. HR departments must put the influence of employee engagement on staff retention, as well as wellbeing and productivity, at the center of their initiatives. When it comes to increasing employee engagement, every HR department should play five critical roles –

● Identify Issues with The Company’s Culture: HR experts, as previously said, are acutely aware of the changing needs of the workforce. They can detect when something is off because they are in charge of interacting with every job role and department in the firm.
Similarly, creating employee engagement begins with recognizing the biggest problem areas in the company culture.
● Building Awareness About Enhancing Employee Experience: The primary HR responsibility is to guarantee that the company’s upper management is aware of the importance of a highly engaged workforce. As a result, HR professionals must encourage other executives and managers to be more proactive in order to improve the employee experience.
Company leaders aren’t the only ones who should be involved in engagement efforts. It’s also the employees’ responsibility. Employee commitment is merely a stated benefit on paper unless people demonstrate any interest in such actions.
● Creating Opportunities for Learning and Development: Managers are in charge of leading and evaluating the work that employees accomplish on a daily basis. As a result, in order to see higher levels of employee engagement, managers must be on board with any new engagement efforts.

The most effective method is to provide managers with examples of what constitutes “engaging employees.” Demonstration and instruction go a long way toward achieving the intended outcomes.

●Increased Employee Engagement Initiatives: Though employee engagement is a critical component of corporate success, it is also HR’s responsibility to play the role of engagement humorist by injecting energy, excitement, and inspiration into the process. HR can build a stimulating workplace that recognizes the individual contributions of employees by creating, implementing, and organizing employment engagement initiatives.

●Measuring Employee Engagement Regularly: Measurement finally, the human resources function must serve as a gatekeeper for employee engagement. HR professionals can use regular surveys, department check-ins, and other methods of measurement to build and implement specific action plans that can be discussed and addressed with team managers on a regular basis.