In some cases, certain issues may cause one of the parents to seek protection for their children from the other parent. This is done to ensure their child’s safety from their other parents. However, many people are confused about whether it is better to file a protection order or seek a motion to restrict the parenting duration with the other parent. Both methods are utilized to effectively ensure children’s safety and protection from the other party. Both of these methods provide a quick hearing. Click here to learn more

Which one is better?

Usually, the best option to protect your child from the other parent is genuinely seeking a motion for restricting the parenting duration instead of getting a protection order from the court. Goats hesitate in providing protection orders restricting parents from staying in contact with their children as the order is severe and lacks the scope of modifications or removal in case it is made permanent. There are no terms for modifications or removal till two years of its release.

Seeking a motion to limit the parenting duration provides similar protections by a civil protection order. Still, it has a certain level of flexibility and chances of modifications to give the required parenting time to the children under supervision. There are even chances of getting therapeutic parenting and, in some cases, without supervision if it is deemed suitable for fulfilling the needs and requirements of the children. 


However, in certain exceptional cases, it is highly unsafe to allow the child to be in contact with their parent. Generally, the courts will enable the parent to have minimal parenting time in such cases. In some instances, the parent who received a protection order to stay away from their child ends up improving their abilities for parenting the children without causing any danger through the help of parenting classes and anger management. Therapies and rehabilitation are available for addressing and correcting such issues present in problematic parents. 

In cases where a parent has made apparent improvements, it is necessary to make certain modifications to increase the parenting duration and allow the restricted parent to get more time with their children. If the parenting duration was restricted with the motion of restriction, the alterations can be done if it is deemed suitable for the child per the court’s evaluation. However, if the parenting duration was restricted through a protection order, there is no chance of seeking any modification or alterations in the parenting duration till two years.