Did you know that the number of programming languages available is approximately 700?
Annual fluctuations in demand and popularity for web developer languages occur. Yet, with the introduction of new programming languages, there is also an abundance of appealing features.
Sure, people will advise you to decide on a language to study and get started.
However, learning a new programming language is always a time and mental commitment. So, you’ll want to invest your time and efforts in learning the right languages for your coding needs.
Keep on reading for our full breakdown of the top 10 popular that will boost your web development career, or help you discover a new coding niche to fall in love with.
1. The Crowned Jewel of Web Developer Languages: JavaScript
JavaScript has become an essential part of the modern software developer’s toolkit. For the eighth year in a row, the most widely used programming language among developers is JavaScript. Over 70% of poll participants said they have used JavaScript in the last year.
Front-end web development requires JavaScript in addition to HTML and CSS. Web sites like Facebook, Gmail, and YouTube employ JavaScript to produce interactive web pages for their visitors.
To construct scalable network applications, JavaScript may be executed both on the client and server-side using Node.js, which is a web framework. Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows are all supported by Node.js.
As a novice, JavaScript is one of the easiest languages to learn. It has forgiving grammar and compatibility with all major browsers.
And, of course, you can’t neglect the new developments in using the MEAN stack. If you’re unsure what is MEAN stack and its nuances, you’ll want to check out this article
2. Swift
Apple goods and mobile app development are two areas where Swift is a fantastic place to begin if you’re interested. Swift is an iOS and macOS programming language that was first introduced by Apple in 2014.
In order to meet the needs of today’s iOS developers, Swift has been optimized for speed and designed from the bottom up. Besides running on every iPhone and iPad, iOS provides the foundation for additional operating systems, such as watchOS (for Apple Watches) and tvOS (for Apple TV) (for Apple TVs).
As a result of Apple’s status as a software giant, iOS applications remain the most lucrative in the mobile app market.
3. Scala
If you’re already acquainted with Java, which is a well-known programming language, you should check out Scala, its newer cousin. With its object-oriented structure and lightning-fast JVM runtime environment, Scala combines the greatest characteristics of Java with a new twist.
Function-oriented languages like Scala enable programmers to write code that resembles mathematics. Scala supports concurrent programming, enabling complicated operations to be done in parallel. In addition, it is a highly typed language.
So that engineers may rest easy knowing that huge swathes of problems are impossible at runtime, they can develop and adapt their own data types for this purpose.
4. For Lovers of Google: Go
Go is Google’s go-to programming language, and for good reason. As a system programming language, Go is a great choice for engineers who want to get their feet wet.
C and C++’s features may be replicated in a much more user-friendly way using this language. For web servers, data pipelines, and even machine learning packages, Python is the best choice of programming language.
With Go’s “near to the metal” built language, the runtime is lightning fast. Programmers throughout the globe may benefit from the efforts of ambitious coders, since the language is open source.
5. Python
Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn out of all of them. As with Java, Python’s syntax is easy to understand since it is so similar to that of English.
Python, like Java, has a wide range of applications that make it an excellent choice for a wide range of programming scenarios.
Django, an open-source Python framework for back-end web development, is popular, simple to learn, and feature-packed. Popular websites like Mozilla, Instagram, and Spotify have used Django.
NumPy and SciPy are two of the most popular scientific computing, mathematics, and engineering programs in Python.
It is possible to construct programs in data science and machine learning, image processing, and computer vision using other Python libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn. If you’re a student or a researcher, Python is an excellent option.
6. Java
In terms of programming languages, Java has been one of the most revolutionary to date. Business applications were created mostly using C++ in the 1990s, which was very difficult and platform-dependent at the time.
Gosling and his colleagues at Sun reduced the barrier to creating commercial applications by providing an easier, object-oriented, interpreted programming language that supports multi-threading.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which insulated the low-level Operating System from developers and provided the first “Write Once, Run Anywhere” programming language, was developed by Java. In addition, the JVM included generation garbage collection, which maintains the life cycle of objects.
Modern, developer-friendly languages like Python and JavaScript have eroded some of Java’s market share in recent years. Because of its size, JVM isn’t ideal for the cloud. In the wake of Oracle’s new JDK license prices, Java’s popularity will continue to decline.
Although Java has inherent flaws, the GraalVM effort is attempting to fix them and make Java more suitable for cloud computing environments. There is also a free alternative to Oracle’s proprietary JDK in OpenJDK.
Enterprises still choose Java as their programming language of choice.
7. Elm
On our list of the most recent languages, a Harvard student’s thesis has blossomed into a passion for front-end developers worldwide.
Fast, error-free UIs can be built using Elm since it compiles to JavaScript. Developers may construct client-side interfaces without the declarative trappings of HTML and CSS thanks to Elm, a functional programming language
Fullstack’s Redux state-management framework is based on Elm’s web architecture, which served as the inspiration for Redux.
8. Ruby on Rails
For web development, Ruby is a popular scripting language. Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web application frameworks based on it.
Ruby has a reputation for having one of the nicest and most helpful user groups, making it a popular choice for beginners. “Matz is kind, and so we are pleasant,” an unofficial saying in the Ruby community, is a way of encouraging users to model their kind and thoughtful conduct on Ruby’s principal creator, Yukihiro Matsumoto.
Ruby is a great language to learn because of its close ties to some of the world’s most successful IT firms. Ruby on Rails has been utilized by Bloomberg, Twitter, Airbnb, and a slew of other companies.
9. C#
C# (pronounced C Sharp), like C++, is a general-purpose, object-oriented language based on the C language’s underpinnings. As part of Microsoft’s .NET framework for creating Windows programs, it was first built.
As a C-derived language, C# is straightforward to learn if you’re already familiar with C++ or other C-based languages. Mobile developers use C# to construct cross-platform applications on the Xamarin platform, as well as for Microsoft app development.
Anyone who wants to go into VR programming should also take the time to master C#. C# programming supports the Unity game engine, which produced one-third of the best games on the market.
10. Rust
Rust is a relative newcomer on our list of languages, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth learning. There has been a five-year-long streak of Rust being the most-loved programming language among developers, with 86.1 percent of Rust developers reporting they want to continue using it.
Rust, like C and C++, is largely a low-level system programming language developed by Mozilla. Rust, on the other hand, adds a focus on speed and security to the mix. By restricting programs from accessing memory that they aren’t supposed to, Rust aims to ensure “safe programming” and avoid system crashes.
As a result of Rust’s benefits, Dropbox and Coursera have already begun using it internally. Rust programming may be a little more difficult to learn than other starter languages, but the language’s popularity is expected to continue to climb in the near future, making it a worthwhile investment of time.
App Development and Using the Right Coding Language
In the quagmire that is web developer languages, it can be a bit tough to know where to start, and knowing which language to learn first can be tricky.
We hope that our guide has shed some light on the main 10 web developer languages currently favored by employers. You’ll want to pick a language from this list if you’re worried about staying relevant in the field.
And, if you liked reading our article, then you’ll love checking out our additional tips and strategies in our technology section.