Youngsters being vulnerable to certain situations isn’t funny at all. At times, students tend to take such things on a lighter note. But this shouldn’t be the case.

Especially if you are a responsible educator, you should support the student who finds certain activities too challenging for him/her to carry out. Or, in case if a youngster complains of being bullied, then you should pay heed to the concern. Vulnerability is as critical as other psychological ailments.

A vulnerable student needs attention, well-guided assignment help, a comfort zone, and a pat on the back. So, read this blog to know how teachers and classmates can fight out the odd and help victims lead a better and more confident life ahead.

Do not scare them away

Of course, we know that the job role of a teacher demands the person to be strict and composed But, you can always make a difference here by not scaring away the vulnerable students. Your days need not necessarily be all about teaching how to go about Harvard referencing, accumulate research findings, and yelling at students for not submitting papers on time.

Take a break from the conventional character of a “teacher” and try to be friendly, cool, and casual. The catch is, you should focus on being more approachable.

Be comfortable with the young ones

Do not just teach and leave the classroom. Rather, you should always take some time out to talk about issues such as vulnerability, depression, and other odds.

Here are some tips for you:

  • If you find a student unhappy or unmindful, do not go hard on him/her.
  • Instead, meet the person once the class is over and try to figure out the root cause.
  • Assure him/her of the fact that you are here to listen to them even if the whole world turns deaf.
  • Make them feel happy about something they have achieved recently and keep encouraging the young ones to do better than yesterday.

Hold interactive sessions with students

Talking of being comfortable and easy with students, holding interactive morning sessions with students can help you keep vulnerabilities at bay.

Here’s how:

  • Ask your students to talk about their biggest fear.
  • Know how they plan to face the fear and overcome the same.
  • Keep things optimistic and never spread negative vibes among the young ones.
  • Consider meeting with the students and holding interactive sessions for at least 120 minutes a week.

Do not set unrealistic goals for the youngsters

Students tend to get vulnerable when there are events, goals, and aspirations that might turn out to be unrealistic or far-fetched for them.

So, your job is to set crucial yet achievable goals for the young ones. Motivate them to be better learners and train them on how to be self-dependent instead of being vulnerable to certain risks and fear factors.

Also, do not set stringent deadlines unnecessarily and create a sense of fear and anxiety among the young ones.

Share your own stories and instances

Children love to relate to stories, relevant instances, and events. So, you can always tell your story and make one to showcase how you fought out vulnerabilities in the past.

Try to set examples and inspire the young ones to go with their gut feelings and stay strong and confident under any situation.

The Other Dimension

Apart from educators taking initiatives to deal with vulnerable students, the younger counterparts can come into play as well. Even classmates have a purpose to serve here.

Here’s everything you should know:

  • Classmates should learn how to coexist and help each other in times of need.
  • They should try and be each other’s support and instill a feeling of teamwork.
  • If someone is feeling vulnerable, then his/her classmates should try to cheer him/her up and talk about positivity instead of making fun of the situation.
  • Always listen to your friend even if the issue appears to be silly or of lesser importance.

That’s how you win!

Author Bio: Melvin Dawson is an experienced academic writer, working on behalf of the digital platform He is dedicated to offering History assignment help. Alongside, Melvin is into blogging and photography, coming all the way from Birmingham.