Data is the lifeblood of any organization, but it can be difficult to manage and get value from.

We all know that data is important, but we often don’t have a clear picture of how much our data management practices are costing us.

But don’t worry. Keep reading as this guide will show you 6 common errors in data management that companies make with their data, and how to create a data management strategy so you can ensure your company’s success for years to come.

1) Failing to have a Security Policy

Without a security policy, you’re not protecting business data and leaving your business wide open for common cyber threats that target small businesses. A security policy tells employees how to handle everything from passwords, social media posts, and protecting customer information. It lays out guidelines for all facets of the organization when it comes to online safety measures.

Most importantly, your employees need to know when they should report a questionable email or when they should bring up an IT issue when something suspicious is going on within the IT department.

2) Using Insecure Passwords

You’d be surprised at the number of businesses that still use easily guessed passwords like “password” or “1234”. Using insecure passwords is one of the easiest ways for hackers to gain access to your company’s data. You can make it harder for them by using strong passwords that are a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

3) Failing to Backup Your Data

If your computer crashes or if there is a natural disaster, you could lose all your data if you don’t have a backup in place. It’s important that your data management team back up your data regularly so that you have a copy of it in case something happens. You can back up your data on an external hard drive or you can store it in the cloud.

4) Not Protecting Customer Information

If a hacker got access to your customer’s information, it could seriously hurt your business. Always make sure that you’re protecting the personal information of your customers and employees.

5) Not Using Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is when you want to make sure that people cannot get into your account. You need two things before they can do this. It is like if you need something with a password and then something else like typing in a code sent to your phone or email.

6) Allowing Employees Access to Unnecessary Data

It may be tempting for you to let your employees have access to sensitive company data like customer records, financial information, and other confidential details. But if you give employees access to this type of information it can put the company at risk. Employees need only the information they need for their specific work duties.

If you are looking for the very best way to manage your data, you need to look into Certus.

Want Help Avoiding Errors in Data Management?

We hope you’ve found this article on the common errors in data management helpful. It is important to stay on top of your data management so that it doesn’t become unmanageable and lead to errors in the process. To learn more check out our blog for more articles just like this!