The demand for blockchain professionals is high these days as every industry is exploring blockchain technology for their business benefits. It has become the fastest-growing skill today paving the way for various career opportunities across the industries.

The great players in the blockchain market include:

  • Major industries such as oil and gas, insurance, banking, and retailers
  • Startups are implementing blockchain
  • Tech firms are gathering blockchain experts
  • governments are hiring blockchain experts

So, there are wide opportunities for professionals with blockchain skills. Let’s understand what are the career opportunities available for them.

Blockchain developer

Blockchain developers are at the forefront and they form the largest group with the majority of the job openings. They have a number of opportunities across industries like real estate, healthcare, logistics, and finance. The Healthcare industry is aggressively implementing blockchain these days.

Blockchain developers are involved in developing money lending apps, decentralized apps, web apps, websites, and many more. They are paid more as compared to other technical jobs like web developers or mobile app developers.

Blockchain business consultant/advisor

As a consultant, you will be asked to solve business problems, guide on how to implement blockchain in an industry, how to design business processes by incorporating blockchain, how to manage stakeholders, how to market blockchain, and any solutions with reference to blockchain technology.

As this is a vast domain, you can take specialization in consultation like a legal consultant, security consultant, etc.

Blockchain product designer

Product design is very crucial for any industry. The market will welcome only the best product. So, the research team will be very cautious to introduce a product to the market. Blockchain product designers are expected to assist in creating the product strategy by focusing on the next generation and clear infrastructure built on blockchain.

Their role is important to bring the required competency to the industry. They should focus on the business process to bring blockchain digital transformation.

Blockchain supply chain expert

Every industry has a logistics department. Mention not to say, today manufacturers and end-users are dependent on product provenance to trust the product they manufacture or consume/utilize. Blockchain technology is well-suited for providing a chain of digital identity of the products across the supply chain and thus building trust among the manufacturers, suppliers, partners, marketers, and end-users.

As a blockchain expert, one can deliver his expertise in managing the supply chain in a better and more economical manner.

Blockchain Project Manager

As a project manager, you will be handling projects at an organization where you guide other professionals on designing, launching, or improving a product or service by using blockchain as applicable.

The challenges you face are unique and you may not have standard solutions. This could be the most challenging job one can take up. It is a much more in-demand job like the blockchain developers in the industry today.

Blockchain cybersecurity

Cybersecurity improvement is becoming one of the important tasks as people turn remote owing to the pandemic situation. It is also one of the nightmares for any organization as they face huge financial loss and reputation loss. So, they need adequate protection to their systems and the organizations are looking forward to blockchain security specialists who can understand traditional cybersecurity and blockchain roles in it. Their demand is going to increase multifold in the coming years.

Blockchain research

Blockchain researchers are needed more today. Blockchain technology is gaining interest in the private and public sector as well and every industry wants to explore the technology to its maximum. There is lots of scope and opportunities in research and many PhDs are working for it. The government and companies are pouring billions of dollars on research projects to deliver the best products, customize systems, logistics, and etc.

Apart from these, there are various other opportunities like blockchain solution architect, blockchain UX designer, blockchain quality engineer, and more. There is a separate blockchain job site too. If you want to opt for a career in blockchain and flourish in the industry, get certified, build your network, and stay current with the industry trends.

You know, a career in the blockchain is worth exploring!