So you’ve thought of an idea, you’ve set up your website social media. You have some stock to sell & a vision of what your brand could become.
The question is…
How do I create a successful e-commerce agency? (From an eCommerce Agency in London)
First of all you need to generate awareness of your brand. People need to find out what you do before they can be converted into customers and hopefully lifetime customers.
So how do I generate Brand awareness for my ecommerce business?
First of all there are 2 main methods of building awareness (traffic) to your website & social media. Organic and paid.
Paid is paying per click (Google ads) or paying per impression (FB & IG).
Organic means that people find out about your brand ‘organically’ without the use of paid ads. They may come across your Instagram / Facebook / Tiktok through a viral post. A friend liking or sharing your content. Or simply searching for something and you happen to be on the top page with a clear explanation to what they’re looking for.
Marketers like to call this: Organic Growth & SEO.
Organic growth means you post content on your social media and hopefully it resonates with your audience so it turns into a following and there becomes a snowball effect through virality.
If your content and products are high enough, you may see rapid growth as you become the new leader within your market.
SEO means creating content for your website which includes top keywords that indicate to Google that your page is worthy of the top spot & has the answer to what the user is searching for.
Google’s purpose is: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. So if your content is relevant to what people are searching for, you’ll naturally rank high.
Now you’ve gotten awareness and traffic to your brand.
How do I convert traffic into customers?
The key to conversion is knowing your conversion rate and looking to improve it over time.
It may be that only 1% of the people who visit your website actually convert. But over time if you increase this to 3-5% with the tips I’m about to share – you’ll see tremendous growth to your ecommerce brand.
Killer Hero Scene
The most important rule in getting people to read your hero scene and care about your brand lies in the first sentence – in html (nerd language) this is the H1 (header 1) of the website.
So the purpose of the first line is to get their attention so they read the second.
As they’re reading through your iconic copywriting and scrolling down the Hero Scene – if designed with the customer in mind.
What will they achieve from your product?
What are the benefits of using your product?
Why select your brand vs your competitors?
Think in terms of – people want to buy a drill because they want to want a wall. Not a drill.
Think from their perspective.
And last of all – but most important. Give them a ‘Irresistible offer’.
Example: Dollar shave club went from 0 to £1 billion in 5 years.
They didn’t re-invent the razor blade. They didn’t create steel. They just created a Irresistible offer which made their competitors seem over-expensive in money and the time it takes for it to purchase it – it’s a monthly subscription for 1$.
Lastly there are also a couple of things you can do to increase your Conversion rate.
Include an Email newsletter which gives people a welcome discount for their first purchase.
(The average email conversion rate was 15.22% in 2021)
Track each page with Google Tag manager and the Meta pixel. So you can retarget people with paid ads on multiple platforms.
With Meta you include events such as Page view, Add to Cart or Initiate Checkout while excluding purchasers. This means you can spend your ad budget on this high intent audience that has shown interest but hasn’t quite converted to bring them back and convert them.
(This is crucial if your product is of high price because people usually need more time to think about it).
Likewise you can also create a lookalike audience based on this ‘custom audience’ which will find similar people to your high intent audience.
To sum up the key to a successful ecommerce business in 2 sentences.
You need to generate traffic to your webpage and then a strategy to convert them into customers. If your product is worth the money, they’ll become lifelong customers.
I hope you enjoyed this read.