When you are bitten by an animal, the trauma on your body and mind can be severe. It is easy to ignore the need for legal action in the middle of medical treatment or recovery. To make sure you get the money and justice you deserve after a dog attack, you must be aware of the deadlines for filing a case. A Denver dog bite attorney can help you understand your case and provide guidance if it’s something you consider. This article will explain the deadlines for filing a lawsuit against a defendant who was bitten by your dog. It will also discuss why the deadlines are so important and how you can work with a lawyer to navigate the process.

Statute Of Limitations Knowledge

It is necessary to submit a claim prior to the statute of limitations expires. There is a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Colorado, which includes dog attacks. Your right to compensation may be forfeited if the lawsuit is not filed within these two years.

Why Time Limits Are Important?

  1. Legal Protections: Missing the filing deadline will result in the court dismissing your case, no matter how good it is. This means you won’t be able to recover damages from medical costs, loss of wages, pain and suffering, or other associated costs.
  2. Evidence Protection: Filing the lawsuit as soon as possible helps preserve key evidence. Over time, memory fades, witnesses become more difficult to find, and physical evidence becomes lost or damaged. Fast action ensures that physical evidence remains intact and witness testimony is more reliable.
  3. Get Medical Attention Quickly: Getting immediate medical attention can document your injuries. In order to establish the severity of your injuries as well as the treatments you need, medical records are vital.

Statute Of Limitations Exemptions

There are a few exceptions to this general rule:

  1. Children: If a child is the victim, the statute of limitations could be extended. In Colorado, minors are usually allowed to file suit two years after they turn 18. A dog bite attorney in Denver can help you understand your specific situation and any legal nuances.
  2. Disability: A victim who is mentally incapacitated or otherwise incapable of managing their legal affairs can have the statutes tolled until they are able to remove the disability.
  3. Discover Rule: It is possible that the discovery rule will apply in rare instances if the cause or the nature of the injury is not immediately apparent. The filing period can be extended if it is shown that the delay of discovery was reasonable.

Steps To Take After A Dog Bite

You can protect yourself and your case by taking the following actions immediately after an attack.

  1. Seek Medical Treatment: Give your health the highest priority by obtaining medical treatment immediately. Prompt medical treatment will not only improve your health but also provide a record of your injuries.
  2. Report The Incident: Notify the local animal control or the law enforcement agency about the bite. In your case, an official report will be valuable evidence.
  3. Document Everything: Take pictures of your injuries and the location where the Incident took place. Also, take photos of any dog involved. Do not forget to collect contact information from witnesses. Maintain a detailed log of medical treatments and costs.
  4. Contact A Dog Bite Accident Attorney: Dog bite accident lawyer can evaluate and assess your case. They can also advise you regarding the statute of limitations. They can also deal with communications between the insurance company, dog owner, and you to ensure that your legal rights are protected.

How A Denver Lawyer For Dog Bite Accidents Can Help?

A good lawyer will help you in all aspects of your case.

  • Case Evaluation: Assessing specifics of your case to determine the best legal strategy.
  • Evidence Collation: Gathering & Preserving Evidence to Build a Strong Case.
  • Negotiation: Handling of negotiations with insurers to seek fair compensation.
  • Lawyer Representation: We represent you in court should a fair resolution not be possible.


For you to get the compensation, you must file a dog bite suit within the specified time period. Colorado’s dog bite statute of limitation is two years. There are, however, exceptions. A quick response not only preserves evidence but ensures that legal rights are also protected. Consulting a Denver dog attack lawyer is a great way to get the help and support you need in navigating the legal process.