The world of technology has expanded its uses in numerous ways in recent years and decades, and the legal world of hearings and depositions is no exception. Particularly over the last couple years due to the pandemic, reliance on virtual technology powered by computers and laptops has gone way up, from remote depositions and hearings to many other themes — and maintaining strong cybersecurity is important for both attorneys and law offices operating within this reality. 

From ensuring strong video deposition or video conferencing reporting from professional services to several other areas, what can you do to ensure that your virtual needs are met in ways where your cybersecurity is always protected? Here are some tips.

Work With Quality Court Reporters

One of the most common uses of technology today for attorneys is for various remote depositions or hearings. The better the technology is, and the more smoothly it runs, the less likely there will be any issues. This is why working with quality court reporters is key – they have the experience and expertise to make sure that your deposition or hearing goes off without a hitch.

They can also help you with transcription services after the fact, so you have a written record of everything that was said. This can be important in court, or if you need to refer back to something later on.

Assess Cybersecurity Risks

Especially if you’re working with sensitive client data like most attorneys do, protecting all devices you and your firm use from cyber threats is critical. This means assessing all possible risks and implementing the necessary safeguards to protect against them.

This might include using up-to-date antivirus software, firewalls, and other measures; having password policies in place; and training all employees on cybersecurity best practices.

Educate Everyone on the Team

If you’re part of the management or partnership group for a given law office, it’s vital to ensure that everyone on the team is up to speed on the latest cybersecurity threats and how to protect against them.

This includes not only having security protocols in place, but also making sure that everyone knows what they are and follows them. This way, you can be confident that your firm’s data – and your clients’ data – is always safe and secure. Many firms will set up specific training sessions where everyone can learn about and discuss various cybersecurity risks, often even including professionals on-site to answer questions and guide the entire staff through what needs to be maintained. 

In today’s world, cybersecurity should be top of mind for all attorneys and law firms. By following the tips above, you can help ensure that your firm is always protected against the latest threats, whether you’re engaging in a remote deposition, client data protection or any other related effort.