Almost half of all Americans do not consume all the key nutrients they need every day to be healthy. This isn’t surprising, as many unhealthy options are often cheaper and more filling than healthy food.

Even if you want to commit to learning how to eat right, there is so much conflicting information out there. And some foods might not be as nutritious as you think but have lots of sugar and chemicals.

There must be an easier way, right? There is! There are tons of nutrition hacks you can use to make figuring out how to become healthier a piece of (carrot) cake.

Read on to discover the top nutrition tips you need to get more vitamins and minerals into your everyday diet.

1. Invest in Supplements

Some people have a tight budget or work three jobs. They don’t have the time or money to cook nutrient-balanced meals three times a day.

If you have similar constraints, then one of the best physical health tips anyone can give you is to start taking a daily supplement.

Choose one that matches your lifestyle. If you are pregnant, over the age of 65, or a vegetarian then there are supplements designed for you.

Consult your doctor if you are unsure which vitamins you need. When in doubt, choose a multivitamin.

2. Drink the Best Water You Can

Many people live in areas with bad quality drinking water without even realizing it. Avoid contaminants by getting a distilled water machine so you can be sure you are only getting the best nutrients and nothing else.

3. Choose a Side Salad in Restaurants

Making simple swaps in your daily life can make all the difference. When you are dining out in restaurants and your server asks you whether you want fries or a salad, choose the salad.

There are other nutrition hacks for eating out, too. Avoid high sugar sodas and juice and opt for sparkling water with lemon, instead.

4. Prep Your Meals

People make unhealthy decisions when they are busy and already hungry. Don’t give in to your body’s sugar cravings by prepping.

Plan your meals at the start of every week. Batch cook stews and chilis on the weekend so you can have a healthy, nutrition-rich meal in only a few minutes for every meal.

5. Have Healthy Snacks on Hand

In case you get hungry between those healthy meals, stock your cupboards and fridge with healthy snacks instead.

Buy granola bars, yogurts, fruit, and rye bread so you can get more nutrients while you snack. The best health tips will encourage you to focus on eating whole, nutritious food rather than counting calories or dieting.

Use These Nutrition Hacks to Unlock a Healthier You

If you’re starting from scratch, living a healthier lifestyle might seem daunting. But you don’t have to revamp your lifestyle in one go. Use these nutrition hacks to take small steps to a healthier you.

And before you know it, you will be smashing your health goals and feeling the best you’ve felt in years.

Are you on a health kick and want more advice to help you reach your health goals? Browse our website for tons more nutrition, weight loss, and fitness tips and tricks!