Are you searching for a managed IT company to help set your business up for success? The US tech workforce grew by 2.3 million jobs last year. In fact, there are now an estimated 12.1 million tech workers in the US.

Not every company in the IT industry will have the experience or expertise you’re searching for, though.

With an experienced IT team at your side, you can protect your business from potential hacks or ransomware. You can also boost your company’s productivity, which could improve the customer experience. The right managed IT team will offer the specific services you need to succeed.

Here are seven tips that can help you narrow down your choices. As a small business owner, finding the right IT company is crucial.

Start your search for an IT team you can trust. Vet your options with these seven simple tips today.

1. Gather Referrals

If you want to find a managed IT company you can depend on, turn to business owners you already trust. Gather referrals from people in your professional network. Ask each small business owner you speak with what IT company they hire.

Then, take the time to learn as much as you can from their firsthand experience.

For example, is the IT department experienced? Does the team have well-rounded IT knowledge? Ask each small business owner if they’ve encountered any problems with the team, too.

For example, perhaps they’ve struggled with slow response times. Maybe there are specific services the company doesn’t offer.

Learning from people in your business management circle can help you narrow down your choices. You’ll know which IT companies to avoid, too.

Once you have a list of potential companies to contact, you can use the rest of these tips to learn more about each business.

2. Consider Experience

Google each IT company and find their Better Business Bureau listing. Look for an “About Us” page on the company’s website as well. Then, determine how long the company has existed in the IT industry.

Find a long-established business that’s had time to work out any operational issues. A long-running business will know how to operate efficiently. These teams will know how to offer better experiences for their clients.

A new business, on the other hand, might still need to get its footing in the IT industry.

Once you’ve learned more about the business, look into the team’s experience. Remember, you’ll want to find a team with a well-rounded knowledge base. If they struggle to answer your IT questions, they’ll struggle to support your business.

Consider the specific IT support you need, too.

For example, perhaps you’re interested in security services. How long has the company offered IT security? Make sure they have years of experience offering those services.

Consider who will support your business as well. Will you work with a single technician or specialist? Having a single point of contact could streamline your experience.

Otherwise, you’ll have to explain the problems you’ve experienced in the past each time you call.

Finding a team with relevant experience will give you peace of mind.

3. Determine Availability

Take the time to learn more about each IT team. How many specialists are on staff? Ask how many clients they’re currently helping, too.

If the team is understaffed, you might experience long wait times for support. The longer you wait, the more downtime you’ll experience. Downtime can impact your productivity and ROI.

Your customers might get frustrated enough to take their business elsewhere as well. You could struggle to retain repeat, loyal customers as a result.

Instead, look for a managed IT company with fast response times. Make sure they’re available to offer the support you need.

4. Review Services

Remember, it’s important to find IT support based on your distinct needs. Determine what IT services each company provides. Make sure their services align with your business management goals.

For example, you might want to focus on improving your system security this year.

About 70% of consumers think businesses don’t do enough to protect their private information. Nearly 30% of businesses experienced a spike in the number of cyberattacks during the pandemic.

By the end of this year, cybercrime could cause $6 trillion in damages worldwide, too.

Requesting security services could protect your bottom line and reputation.

You might want to consider cloud computing services, too. Allowing your team to work from anywhere in the world could minimize overhead costs.

Ask each company how they can help meet your goals. For example, you can explore this link to learn how your support team can help in the fourth quarter.

5. Read Reviews

Make sure the company you choose has a strong reputation in the IT industry. Read client reviews by visiting the company’s BBB listing. Check out their Google My Business profile for reviews as well.

Try to find reviews from the past three years.

A company that’s earned a strong, positive reputation from its clients will want to maintain that reputation. These companies are more likely to offer top-notch IT services.

6. Look for Remote Support

Determine if each company on your list can offer remote monitoring and management services. Remote support from your IT department can minimize downtime. You won’t have to wait for a specialist to arrive at your business.

Instead, they can start pinpointing the issue immediately, offering ease and convenience. You might notice a decline in downtime as a result.

7. Check the Contract

Gather quotes from three different IT companies. Make sure to get an itemized list of their services. Determine how they calculate pricing, too.

For example, you might pay a regular monthly fee. Some businesses will charge you for each support ticket.

Gathering more than one estimate from different IT companies can help you gauge the average price. If one price seems too good to be true, question why.

Then, compare your options. You’re not obligated to choose the cheapest company. Instead, choose IT support based on your needs and goals.

Select the Best: 7 Tips for Choosing the Best Managed IT Company

Finding reliable IT support doesn’t have to feel challenging. Instead, use these tips to find the best managed IT company around. With these tips, you can narrow down your options with ease.

Finding an IT team you can rely on can set your business up for success.

Searching for more tips? You’ve come to the right place.

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