Work life balance is a state of equilibrium where one seeks to balance one’s personal and professional obligations equally. These days, finding this balance seems to be an impossible feat. Due to the pandemic scenario and the fact that the majority of people work from home, the pressure of work on people’s lives has increased significantly.

Technology has advantages and disadvantages; one disadvantage of the internet is that it makes staff available after hours. So it is often interfering with the work life balance of an employee.

To prioritise your career and personal life equally is to achieve work life balance. In essence, a healthy work life balance encourages your physical, emotional, financial, and mental well-being by enabling you to achieve harmony between both aspects of your life.

But maintaining a work life balance isn’t always easy to achieve. So this blog post teaches you smart ways to up your game and revive the balance in no time.

5 Ways To Improve Work Life Balance

Maintain a healthy work schedule

The ideal amount of time to spend each day is 8 hours on the job, 8 hours with friends, family, and interests, and 8 hours sleeping.

Even while it seems ideal, most individuals can’t follow a schedule like this. Because life is unpredictable, you may occasionally need to spend more time with your family or, on the other hand, spend a weekend at work.

It’s crucial that you don’t place too much pressure on yourself to precisely adhere to your timetable because of this. As an alternative, you should track your work life balance over time. For instance, working one weekend won’t have an impact on your work life balance, but working most weekends could have an impact on your family.

Having HR management software makes life easier for employees. It helps automate mundane work. So employees get to have some time off work without impacting their contribution.

Put your health first

Your work is vital, but your productivity will suffer if you don’t maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives. Spend 30 minutes exercising or getting fresh air to improve your physical health.

Maintaining close relationships will help you stay emotionally well (let’s face it, no matter how busy you are, you can always call a buddy).

Establish a regular personal practice to promote your mental health, such as writing, mindfulness, gratitude, or meditation.

Making your health a priority is essential to achieving a better work life balance since it enables you to step away from work after hours.

Practice saying “no.”

It’s not surprising that many people struggle to be firm when saying “no” to their bosses, family members, and others. They fear getting rejected by saying “no” and think they might come across as someone bad or negative.

While helping out a coworker is excellent, exercising restraint is important since people-pleasing behaviour can harm your career and health.

For instance, you might consent to take on more work than you are capable of finishing, which could result in missed deadlines and expectations, little to no time for your personal life, and burnout at work.

Because it enables you to establish boundaries and harmonise your work and personal lives, learning to say “no” is essential to enhance your work life balance.

Utilise your breaks wisely

People aren’t made to work continuously, and you might be surprised to learn that putting in long hours doesn’t boost productivity. Studies show that the most effective workers take 17-minute breaks every 52 minutes of labour.

As a result, you must take regular breaks to increase your productivity and work life balance. Intelligent HR software helps reporting managers know which employee is inactive and who is online. This does not mean that the person is indulging in micromanagement. It simply helps reporting managers allocate projects to available resources without disturbing anyone. Plus, they can also check which employees are the happiest in their team in an intelligent HRMS.

That way, team leaders know which employees in their teams need to take regular work breaks and be happy again. Because sad, worked up, tired, or bored employees become wasteful resources. And no team leader wants that to happen.

Plus, even employees can check their happiness scores online if the super admin allows it. It helps everyone to be more self aware about their emotions when they log in or log out from work.

Communicate your opinions honestly

Think about communicating your needs to your employer to improve your work life balance. You can discover a solution that is excellent for you and your business.

Try requesting a flexible schedule, a shorter workweek, or another option from your employer if you have kids so that you may spend more time with them and take care of them.

However, you might want to chat with your family about potential solutions if obligations at home prevent you from being effective at work.

For instance, you might want to talk about the possibility of enrolling in a programme at an adult daycare facility if you’re trying to balance working a full-time job with caring for an ageing parent.

There are multiple scenarios we can think of. The gist of every scenario is, to be honest with your boss about the shortcomings you are facing right now. When there is an intelligent HRMS in the workplace, you can automate your tedious, repetitive, and boring work. Then, you can have enough time to take regular breaks at work and spend time with your family. This can even be a catch video call with your family and friends.


Work life balance is the capacity to prioritise your personal and professional responsibilities equally. This balance may suffer if you take on too many obligations in one area of your life.

A good work life balance enhances your relationships, productivity, and job engagement, among other things.

Employers can encourage a balance between work and life by offering employee perks like:

  • On-site gym,
  • Business outings,
  • A designated quiet place, and
  • flexible work schedules.