When someone starts a new job, they are confronted with a slew of challenges that can dampen the thrill of starting a new job. On top of that, they are being bombarded with a deluge of data and processes, which can be overwhelming.

Isn’t it true that we’ve all been there? There are a few things that businesses may do to make the process go more smoothly. Orientation sessions, onboarding buddies as onboarding solutions to confusion, and other examples come to mind. An intranet where employees can begin their journey, on the other hand, is at the top of the list. Are you curious as to why? Allow us to explain.

The Hiring and Retention Situation

Many firms have resorted to novel recruiting methods to entice a new generation of professionals in order to win the war for talent. However, if the firms are unable to keep the most recent inductees, the money spent on recruitment will be a waste. According to several studies, the most difficult problem for CEOs is keeping talent once they have been hired.

It’s a two-way street when it comes to making an impression. This is important not only for your clients, prospects, and investors but also for your employees. With employee turnover rates at an all-time high, it’s clear that something needs to change to keep the staff from jumping ship.

The Solution Is Onboarding

It’s critical to nail employee onboarding using an onboarding tool if you want to keep your best employees. During their first few weeks at your company, new hires will feel welcomed, supported, and valued. Here are some statistics to back up my claim:

  • According to a survey, employees are 69 percent more likely to stay with a company if they had a positive onboarding experience.
  • According to statistics from 2018, a standard onboarding program can enhance retention by 50%.
  • According to another survey, 31% of new hires depart within six months of joining the organization.

We’ve compiled a list of six clever methods to use your intranet in organizations to streamline the onboarding process:

  • Automate

A new job frequently implies a deluge of paperwork, training materials, policy education, and other responsibilities. From the standpoint of a new employee, going through all of that on their first day is probably not something they want to do.

You can create a checklist that includes all of the formalities and includes it in your intranet. By putting everything they need in one place, such as the intranet, and enhancing it with a cross-channel search, new hires will have an easier time finding what they need.

  • Maintain a straightforward approach.

Intranets’ flexibility allows businesses to create social hubs that have never been seen before. However, this also makes them a double-edged sword. Some people wind up making feature-rich, sophisticated portals that are difficult to use.

Believe it or not, your newest hires will choose a simple and practical intranet. As a result, they are confident in their abilities and expect to be fully functional in no time. The idea is to nail the fundamentals while keeping things as simple as possible.

  • Solicit comments and make adjustments as needed.

Another clever technique to improve the onboarding solutions with the processes is to request input on a regular basis and then optimize the process depending on the results. Sending anonymous questionnaires to new workers and asking them to report their onboarding tools experiences is one way to go about it.

What was it about the procedure that worked so well? What were the areas that were lacking? You may get actionable, real-life insights regarding your company’s onboarding process and guarantee that every new recruit feels heard, appreciated and participated by asking such questions.

These are some of the ways to use the intranet as a tool for better employee onboarding procedures. In a sense, opting for user onboarding softwares is not only great but has become essential too.