Our body direly needs micro and macro-nutrients, which are responsible for carrying out different processes in the body. Vitamins, one of the micronutrients, are required for normal growth, metabolism, and good health. Vitamin D especially is a vitamin that is highly essential for bones health. In this article, we will discuss the significance, deficiency, and the sign of deficiency of Vitamin D. 

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D, also known as sunshine vitamin or calciferol, is an extremely important vitamin that potentially affects different systems of the body. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it does not completely dissolve in water but in fats. As a result, it absorbs into the bloodstream along with dietary fats. It is naturally present in some food; however, it is added to others and is also found in the form of a dietary supplement. Also, our body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. The Ultraviolet rays of sunlight trigger the production of vitamin D as they strike our skin. Therefore, vitamin D is called a nutrient we consume and a hormone that our body produces. The vitamin D obtained from any source, including food, supplements, or sunlight is biologically inert and undergoes two hydroxylation reactions in the body. 

What is the deficiency of Vitamin D:

Vitamin D deficiency is a state of the body when it does not get an adequate amount of vitamin D. Its deficiency is very common; in fact, according to an estimate, more than a billion people in the world are currently vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency causes severe problems like rickets, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cognitive impairment, and asthma in children. 

But one common question that many people as is: how long does it take to restore vitamin D levels? Well,it depends on how early you identify that you have vitamin D deficiency.So, if you want to counter the problem of vitamin D deficiency, you must pay attention to its signs early on.  

Signs of deficiency of vitamin D:

Vitamin D deficiency occurs when the level of vitamin D goes below the recommended level. You are vitamin deficient if the test shows 30 nmol/ or less. But without test, how do you know you are moving towards inadequacy? The following are the signs of vitamin D deficiency:

• Fatigue: 

Fatigue is one of the major symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. You may get tired, lethargic, and have lower levels of energy. Fatigue is caused by low blood level, which may occur due to insufficient vitamin D absorption in the blood. 

Bone Pain and Back pain: 

Vitamin D is essential for the bones health; however, its deficiency can weaken them causing back pain or bones pain. 

• Mood Swings: 

We have mentioned earlier that vitamin D is effective on mood. With vitamin D deficiency, you may experience frequent mood swings. 


Another role of Vitamin D is to control inflammation and fight infections. With low levels of vitamin D, your immune system won’t be as strong as it should be. As a result, you may get ill, get infections, or wounds will take longer to heal.

Who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency? 

There are a few people who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. If you have any of the natural attributes or eating habits, you are most likely to become vitamin D deficient. 


First thing first, if your diet does not contain an adequate amount of vitamin D, you are in peril. Make sure you consume vitamin D through different sources, like oily fish, meat, egg yolk, and fortified food. 

Dark skin: 

Our body is capable of producing vitamin D in the presence of sunlight. But if you have a dark skin tone, you have excessive melanin, which restricts this process. 

Less sun exposure: 

People who do not get under the sun ultimately halt the natural form of vitamin D in the body. 

Importance of vitamin D:

There are many important function which require vitamin D. The most essential of all are:

Ensures bones health: 

Vitamin Dis responsible for regulating Calcium and Phosphorus; they are essential minerals responsible for increasing bones health and teeth. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and keep calcium and phosphorus in the body. 

Helps immune system function properly:

Vitamin D helps our body’s immune system to function properly. All white blood cells have vitamin D receptors, and these immunologic cells can make the active vitamin D metabolite. So vitamin D plays a crucial part in keeping the immune system healthy and working perfectly. 

Other benefits:

Helps fight many diseases:

Research has found out that vitamin D is capable of fighting against other diseases like heart diseases, multiple sclerosis, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis. 

Reduces depression:

According to some recent research, people who are vitamin D deficient are vulnerable to depression. To put it the other way, vitamin D helps in decreasing the chances of developing depression. Vitamin D also helps in uplifting mood, thus providing mental and emotional relief. 

Helps with weight loss: 

One surprising benefit of vitamin C is that it helps in boosting weight loss. So, you can use vitamin supplements in your diet if you are aiming to lose weight. 

Bottom Line:

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient with potential effects on different bodily processes. However, its deficiency can cause severe disorders. Therefore, it is very important to consume it from food, dietary supplements, and sunlight.