The biggest goal of every business leader out there is to keep their team motivated enough to keep working towards the success of a potential project. Every business leader has a style of leadership to take control of settings and enable people to move in a particular direction. Sometimes a successful business leader implements different leadership styles in different situations to get the required outcomes. It depends on the position of the company in the market as well as the applicable business model at a specific time. It is a given that leadership styles are so crucial that they contribute to the success or failure of an organization in the long run.

This article will discuss the four leadership styles in business.

Autocratic Leadership

An autocratic leader is a person who has a firm belief in themselves like Richard Warke Solaris. They assign the tasks and duties with complete confidence and believe in giving orders to other people. Such leaders take entire liability and authority because they are aware of the consequences of their actions. The positive side of autocratic leadership is that it brings quick results and decisions due to delegating tasks.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

In this leadership style, the leader is not interested in initiating the decisions and taking responsibility. 

They delegate this responsibility to their subordinates to perform decision-making and initiate the administrative process in an organization. In such a work environment, the subordinates create their own goals and work towards them by solving their problems. 

Laissez-faire business leadership style is not always a success because no control direction is exercised. There is an absence of participation from the leader, and the productivity might be minimal in such organizations.

Democratic Leadership

Democratic leadership is also known as participated leadership because subordinates can participate in an organization’s decision-making process. Subordinates are given value, and their feedback is taken for the formulation of plans of the company. 

The concept of synergy takes birth in such a leadership style because 2 + 2 becomes 5 with collective effort. The employees feel essential enough in the democratic leadership style because their ideas are valued. 

Due to this encouragement, they always come forward with suggestions for improvement of the company, which is fruitful in the long run. In the democratic leadership style, improved job performance is seen along with high employee motivation.

Paternalistic Leadership

The phrase inspires this leadership style, “papa knows the best.” In this leadership style, the leader is seen as a fatherly figure in an organization. In such a work environment, the relationship between employees and the leader is like family members and the head of the family. 

Appropriate working conditions are provided to the employees, and the employees are expected to show gratitude in return. The paternalistic leadership style is a great success in Japan because of their related social background and values.

Conclusion Richard Warke Vancouver is one of the best examples when it comes to leadership and growing the business. He knows how to grow and lead a team to achieve great achievements.