You may be getting more than just calories, nutrients, and fuel from your morning coffee or favorite spaghetti meal.

Discoloration of your teeth may occur over time due to consuming foods and beverages rich in acidity and dark pigment. So, which foods and drinks are the worst for your teeth in terms of discoloration? Or, what stains teeth in general?

Well, no worries. You’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading for a deeper look at some of the most common culprits for discoloring your teeth will be discussed in this article.

What Stains Teeth? The Red Wine Edition

You may open your teeth’ enamel pores by eating or drinking acidic things like red wine.

Raising the enamel’s roughness and surface area may allow the colors in the meals and drinks we eat to be etched into our teeth’s enamel.

He notes that red wine may cause this effect. As a result of its acidity, wine’s dark crimson pigments may attach to the enamel, discoloring it.

Coffee and Tea

Many things can cause teeth stains, including your morning cup of joe. And coffee is one of the most common drinks that stain teeth.

Tannins, a kind of polyphenol, are available in coffee, and they may produce stains on your teeth. Tannins can stain teeth in tea, much as they may be tainted by coffee. The good news is that you may reduce the tooth-staining properties of tea in a straightforward approach.

You may significantly reduce tea’s potential to discolor teeth by mixing it with 2 percent milk, according to 2014 research. According to researchers, a component in milk called casein proved to be essential for reducing tea-induced stains.

But, if you’re a coffee or tea aficionado, you’ll want to check out professional teeth whitening services, like this one here.

Berries and Fruit Drinks

The dark pigmentation in blackberries, blueberries, pomegranates, and other dark berries may cause teeth to get stained.

Pores in the enamel of your teeth may be penetrated by tiny organic particles, allowing them to stay attached. Teeth with greater porosity are more susceptible to staining, which might last longer. After eating blueberries, your teeth may become purple and remain that way for a while.

Dentin discoloration may be caused by the use of dark-colored liquids such as pomegranate or cranberry, as well as dark-colored fruits.

Dark and Heavily-Pigmented Soda Drinks

Teeth discoloration is another side effect of drinking sugary beverages regularly. Soda and other acidic drinks, such as lemonade may erode your teeth.

Tooth discoloration isn’t the sole consequence of worn-down enamel. Additionally, the tooth’s dentin, which is usually darker and yellower than the enamel, will be seen after this procedure is completed.

Energy and Sports Drinks

Energy drinks and sports drinks have been linked to the disintegration of enamel, which leads to the formation of stains, in one research published in 2012.

The additional research findings found that energy drinks had more excellent acidity and enamel erosion than sports drinks.

Tomato-Based Sauces and Pastes

There are several things you can do to keep your pearly whites looking their best when it comes to consuming tomato-based sauces, such as those found on pizza and pasta.

Tomato-based sauces are not only vivid in color, but they’re also acidic. They’re one of the common foods that stain teeth. After eating this kind of sauce, brushing your teeth will help prevent them from becoming discolored.

Balsamic Vinegar and Soy Sauce

Soy sauce and vinegar, two dark-pigmented condiments, are well-known for discoloring teeth.

With its strong acid, vinegar may wear away the enamel of your teeth, enabling stains to form. Anything that can stain a linen napkin may stain your teeth, so be careful what you put in your mouth.

Candy and Other Sweets

Sugary treats, such as chocolate may cause teeth to become somewhat discolored.

Aside from that, many hard and gummy sweets include colors and pigments in them that might stain your teeth.

Other Foul Actors That Stain Your Teeth

There may be more to tooth stains than just your favorite meals and drinks. If you’ve observed a change in the color of your teeth, any of the following might be to blame.

You might want to cut them out of your diet entirely or minimize their effects.

Tobacco-Related Items

Does smoking stain teeth? The answer is yes. If you smoke cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or even chew tobacco, you’re likely to have a stain on your teeth.

Because of the presence of two chemical components in tobacco products, your teeth’ color might be affected. When exposed to oxygen, nicotine turns teeth into a yellowish tint. Also, there’s tar, which is a naturally black substance.

Wear and Tear

Teeth discoloration may also result from normal wear and tear on the teeth.

Enamel thins out over time as a result of repeated brushing. As a result, your teeth may seem darker and discolored because the yellowish-colored dentin below shows through.

Teeth Infection

An infection might cause a tooth’s discoloration in the pulp, the soft tissue that lies underneath the tooth’s enamel, and dentin.

A breakdown in the pulp of your tooth may harm the root and give it a grayish-black look if you have advanced tooth decay. The deterioration and infection may need a root canal procedure.

Trauma to the Teeth

When the enamel fails to develop correctly on an adult tooth due to trauma to a baby tooth, the tooth might become yellow as an adult.

An adult tooth might seem darker if the enamel wears away, revealing the dentin layer underneath.

Identifying Teeth-Staining Culprits

We’re not asking you to cut down on your coffee consumption any time soon. But, it’s crucial to understand that it’s a massive culprit of staining your pearly whites.

We hope that our guide has shed some light on what stains teeth, whether they be beverages, food items, or a more medical issue. And, if you enjoyed reading our article, you can check out similar posts in health section.