Are you tired of having to close your eyes after looking at a screen for too long? Do you fear that you need medication for dry eyes to prevent the pain from worsening? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about what to do about dry eyes.

The good news is that there are some things you can do at home to prevent dry eyes. Keep in mind, if the dry eyes persist, you may need to look into medical dry eye treatment.

See below for an in-depth guide on what to do about dry eyes and how you can ease the pain you’re experiencing.

1. Give Your Eyes a Break

Those of us that are blessed with sight tend to take our eyes for granted. We use them from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we shut our eyes to fall asleep.

Pair that with the fact that we’re putting ourselves through some brutal experiences each day. Looking at screens for too long (such as watching a TV or looking at a computer) can quickly dry out your eyes. You might also get dry eyes as you read a book since your eyes won’t blink as much while you concentrate.

Always find a way to prioritize more rest for your eyes. For example, if you plan on reading for an hour, give yourself a break every 5 or 10 pages for 1 minute of maximum eye blinking.

Blinking is vitally important for preventing dry eyes. Every time you blink, there is a tiny layer of moisture that’s laid out across the entirety of your eye. This is what helps prevent them from drying out.

That thin layer of tears is what helps strengthen your vision. You’ll use light to focus your vision and prevent a blurry appearance.

2. Use a Household Treatment Option

Many people are quick to run to the eye doctor if they experience common dry eyes. They just assume that the frequency of dry eyes is something genetic or medical.

However, dry eyes might be more of a reflection of your daily routine than something you inherited from your mom or dad. For example, if you’re a computer engineer who stares at a computer screen every day, it shouldn’t be surprising that your eyes are constantly drying out.

But what can you do to combat that? Is there any way to give your eyes relief without seeking medical help? There is a household remedy that you can try!

First, start by running a handtowel under warm water, then ringing it out just enough to ensure it’s damp, but not soaked. Use that to compress your eyes for 5 minutes each, then use baby shampoo (tearless shampoo) to wash out your eyes.

Your daily routine may be causing the oils in your eyelid glands to block the tear ducts. By washing them out with baby shampoo, you’ll allow your eyes to create a more effective layer of tears and prevent dryness and irritation.

If the dry eyes persist, then you’ll want to look into dry eye treatment cost from a medical professional.

3. Know the Symptoms

Some of you might feel that your dry eyes warrant a visit to your eye doctor. If that’s the case, then you will want to know about the different symptoms of dry eyes that need professional care.

First, if you notice that your eyes have become redder and swollen than usual, you should see an eye doctor right away. They’ll be able to troubleshoot the issue and get rid of the throbbing pain that you’re experiencing.

You should also visit an eye doctor if the dryness is more painful than irritating. This could be a sign of a larger medical issue that needs to be tended to quickly.

Other symptoms include an unusual discharge from the eye, consistent dry eyes after home remedies, or even dry mouth.

4. Lessen Exposure to Air Movement

You might be exposed to significant air movement without knowing it. Air movement is a quick way to dry out your eyes, damaging the thin layer of tears that cover your eyeball. This could be things like:

  • Turning on a ceiling fan
  • Turning on a floor fan while you watch TV
  • Use a blow dryer for your hair every morning
  • Driving with the windows down frequently
  • Walking outside on a windy day for an excessive amount of time

We’re willing to bet you’ve committed a few of those. Do you have to remove them from your life completely? Of course not. Just try to regulate them a bit more so that they aren’t taking a toll on your eyes.

5. Prioritize More Humidity in Your House

There’s a balance to be hand in your home between the inside being too humid or too dry. If the area is too dry, it could be the primary cause of your family’s irritated eyes.

If you’re not sure whether your home is too dry, then pay attention to the amount of static you experience. If your skin is drying out, this is another sign.

Invest in a humidifier for the major rooms in your house (bedrooms and living room) to try and get the humidity levels back to where they should be.

What to Do About Dry Eyes: Try Each of These Home Remedies

Now that you have seen several solutions for what to do about dry eyes, be sure to use this information to your advantage.

Take the time to browse our website for more articles on eye treatments and when to seek out professional treatment/assistance.