Anesthesia is a medical treatment that uses drugs to keep you from feeling pain during surgery or another medical procedure. It can also help you sleep through the procedure. Anesthesiologists are doctors who specialize in anesthesia care.
Some people worry about having anesthesia, but it is usually safe. There are a few risks to consider, however. The anesthesiologist will discuss these risks with you before your surgery or procedure.
Here are some things to think about before your surgery or procedure:
- What type of anesthesia will I have? There are different types of anesthesia, and the type you have will depend on your medical condition and the type of surgery or procedure you are having.
- Will I be asleep during the surgery or procedure? This depends on the type of anesthesia you have. General anesthesia will make you sleep through the surgery or procedure. Local anesthesia numbs a specific area. You will be awake but will not feel pain in the numbed area.
- What are the risks of anesthesia? The risks depend on the type of anesthesia you have, your health, and other factors. This means that some people have a higher risk for problems than others. When you have general anesthesia, you may have a small risk for problems with your heart, lungs, or other organs.
- How will my anesthesiologist make sure I am safe during my surgery or procedure? Your anesthesiologist will constantly check your vital signs during your surgery or procedure. You will also be monitored by a nurse or other health care provider.
- What should I do to prepare for my surgery or procedure? You will likely be asked not to eat or drink for a certain period of time before the surgery or procedure. This is because anesthesia can make you feel nauseated. You will also be asked to stop taking certain medicines beforehand. These include blood thinners and herbal supplements. This is because they can affect how anesthesia works.
- How much will it cost? The cost of anesthesia depends on the type of surgery or procedure you are having, as well as your health insurance. Your anesthesiologist or their staff will be able to give you a good estimate of the cost before the procedure or give you your actual anesthesia medical billing cost.
- What should I do after the anesthesia or the procedure? After you have anesthesia, you will be taken to a recovery room. There, the anesthesia will be slowly reversed. You may feel some side effects from the anesthesia, such as shivering, nauseated, or dizzy. You will likely stay in the hospital for a few hours after your surgery or procedure. You should also plan to have someone drive you home after the surgery or procedure, as the anesthesia can make you feel tired. This is especially true for general anesthesia.
It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions after your surgery or procedure. This includes not driving or drinking alcohol until the anesthesia has completely worn off. You should also avoid strenuous activity for a period of time. If you still have questions about anesthesia, be sure to ask your doctor or anesthesiologist.