Fan and pump noise is often overlooked, but it can cause a number of problems! That’s why you need to monitor and control fan and pump noise.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the reasons why it’s important to keep your fans and pumps quiet so that you can enjoy all their benefits without any of the drawbacks!

1. Reduce the risk of noise complaints

Noise complaints are a major problem for many businesses, and they can be costly.

For example, if a loud fan or pump is not properly controlled and causes a noise complaint, you could be fined or have to pay for an abatement of the problem. To reduce the risk of noise complaints:

  • Consider installing sound dampening materials in areas where fans are used
  • Use quieter pumps whenever possible

2. Reduce the risk of health and safety issues

Doing pump and fan noise control can have benefits not only for your ears, but also for your overall health. In fact, research shows that the higher the sound pressure level (SPL) of a fan or pump at the ear canal, the higher is its potential to cause hearing loss.

This can be attributed to age-related hearing loss and/or exposure to excessive noise over time. Noise-induced hearing loss may also lead to tinnitus, which can cause ringing in the ear or hearing loss over time.

There are many other health risks associated with exposure to excessive noise levels: high blood pressure; heart attack; stroke; sleep problems; anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); depression; irritability; memory issues and cognitive decline!

3. Save on operational costs

By reducing the amount of energy used by fans and pumps, you can save money on your operating costs.

Also, by reducing the amount of maintenance that’s required for fans, pumps and other components you can reduce downtime and increase the life span of these components.

4. Eliminate operational risks

It’s not just about the noise; it’s also about what noise can do to your employees. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has established guidelines for acceptable levels of workplace noise.

If your operations exceed these levels, you run the risk of injuring or permanently damaging your workers’ hearing and creating a hostile work environment. While you may be only concerned with meeting OSHA standards, let us suggest that there’s a better reason for pump noise control!

By doing so, you’re also addressing employee safety concerns—both physical and psychological—that could affect their productivity when they’re on the job.

5. Improve employee performance

Research has shown that noise can distract workers and reduce their efficiency, which can translate into higher costs for employers.

In some cases, this is due to the actual amount of time spent on the task at hand; in other cases, it’s because a person’s overall work quality suffers as a result of being distracted by noise. One way to get ahead of these issues is by creating an environment where employees can concentrate better—especially if they’re able to do so at home after hours or on weekends!

When people feel like they have more control over their environment at work and outside of it (including how much noise they’re exposed to), then chances are high that employees will be happier in general—and therefore more productive when working under those circumstances too!

6. Protect your equipment investment

Fan and pump noise can cause damage to your equipment, which can lead to downtime and costly repairs or replacement. The best way to prevent this is by controlling the sound levels emitted by these components when they are in operation.

If you run an industrial facility with mechanical equipment that runs 24/7, then it’s important that you constantly monitor their performance and health. This will help prevent any problems before they occur, thereby keeping down costs associated with downtime and repair bills.

7. Maintain a positive image in your community and with neighbours

Maintaining a positive image in your community and with neighbours is important for business. It can even help you secure more customers, so it’s something that needs to be addressed on multiple levels.

You need to maintain good relations with the local council, so they don’t have any reason to complain about you or your business. You also want them to see how responsible and engaged you are with the community as a whole because this will help improve the perception of your company among residents.

It could lead them to feel more comfortable doing business with you or recommending your services or products to others in the future!

8. Bring down noise pollution

The last reason you should control fan and pump noise is because of its impact on the environment. Noise pollution can be detrimental to animals, people, and even natural resources.

One of the most obvious ways that noise pollution affects wildlife is through hearing loss. Birds use their ears for navigation, so excessive exposure to loud noises can cause them to lose their way or struggle with other basic functions.

In addition, many species of fish have a limited range of hearing—meaning they’re only able to hear sounds at specific frequencies—which makes them particularly vulnerable when exposed to loud noises like those emitted by fans and pumps.

Humans are also heavily affected by environmental noise pollution; studies have linked long-term exposure with increased rates of cardiovascular disease as well as an increased risk of death from heart attack or stroke.

While these effects aren’t always readily apparent in our everyday lives (unless your job requires you spend long periods within earshot), they do exist!


Fan and pump noise can be a major issue, but there are many ways to control it. If you’re considering purchasing a new pump or fan, make sure it has these features:

  • soundproofing materials,
  • soundproofing technology,
  • acoustic dampening pads between machines (where possible),
  • adjustable speeds and slowing down when the equipment starts making noise.

Also consider using sound-dampening machinery covers for better results!