One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is only used for blogging. Though WordPress is used as a blogging platform, it has since developed into a powerful website builder and content management system (CMS).

But there is a tremendous reason why it gets popular. There are hundreds of WordPress development service provider who can explain you the whole guide.

It totally depends on your business requirement, whether you want a WordPress development service or PHP development service, or another one. Regular evolution in technology provided many options as well.

Free and open-source: WordPress is, has been, and will remain free and open-source for the near future, which is possibly one of the most important contributing factors to its success. It’s, therefore, simple to search, use, delete, and redistribute. As a result, almost every web hosting company (including InMotion Hosting) provides a simple way for users to install it. And if the host does not have this service, you can do it yourself. Simply download the software from the website and manually install it in the desired directory. Do you need to change something to meet your needs? Thanks to its open-source code, you can do it quickly.

Best CMS ever: WordPress is not only the most common CMS, but it also outperforms the competition. W3Techs’ usage figures WordPress is the content management system of choice for 59.5 percent of all websites (CMS). Joomla is the second most common CMS, with a 5.9% market share. With a 4.9 percent market share, Drupal and Magento, with a 2.8 percent market share, come in second and third, respectively.

Best SEO friendly: WordPress is SEO friendly right out of the box. Popular search engines like Google and Bing rate WordPress-powered sites higher than non-WordPress-powered sites. This is due to the CMS framework’s ease of crawling for search engine spiders.

Safety and security: As WordPress grows in popularity, so does the interest of would-be hackers. Another explanation for WordPress’s popularity is the security steps taken by its creators to protect their users’ trust. The WordPress team is actively updating the CMS as well as the plugins that work with it.

Multi-channel support: The websites with the lowest bounce rates are those that have a lot of multimedia on them. You can easily incorporate video into WordPress by uploading your own or using the HTML areas to add embeddable code. To keep people engaged and visit your web, you can also provide audio files, imagery, and other media types.

More than just a blog website: WordPress began as a blogging medium, but it is now used by the majority of people and companies as a full-fledged website. You can post daily blog articles without impacting your static pages (such as “about us” or “contact us”) because WordPress has both post and page structures.

Different e-commerce solution: If you’re running a commercial website with WordPress, you’ll be well-served by the numerous eCommerce options available. Common plugins like WP eCommerce and WooCommerce development service will help you turn your website into an online store.