We’ve put together this post all about why you really need to get a house insurance claim attorney, complete with info on what they can do and how they can help. There are so many reasons to have an experienced lawyer on your team when it comes to dealing with your insurance company after a loss — we’re not sure where to start! Fortunately for you, we know our way around the law and we are more than happy to provide some of the best advice out there.
Consulting with Reputable Attorney
As you probably already know, it’s important to consult with an experienced and reputable attorney that knows the ins and outs of the property insurance claim process. Often, insurance companies will attempt to use their vast resources to delay or prevent a claim from being settled within the terms given by your policy, which is why it’s so important that you take the time to find out everything you can about the attorney you decide to hire.
Battling Claimants
Dealing with an insurance company on your own is never going to end well. They are all too familiar with battling claimants who try and get one over on them for all of their hard work — in fact, at this point it’s probably expected. You’re not going to get a fair shake from them whatsoever, and the only way you’ll be able to maximize your settlement is by hiring a professional whose craft has been honed over years of practice.
Experienced Attorney
When it comes down to it, you can’t go wrong with having an experienced attorney on your side. You can hire someone today that will take care of you from beginning to end — from the initial investigation into the cause of your loss, through drafting up and submitting all necessary documents, and even dealing with any potential problems that might arise during the claim process.
Determine the Claim
Depending on your situation, there are several different forms of insurance that you might have lost in the process of a house fire. Your insurance company will have to determine what kind of claim you have and make sure you can recover for all of the damages it caused. If they determine that your loss was covered under your standard policy, they’ll have to notify you of this within a certain period…but there’s always a possibility that they might be holding out some information from you since this is definitely not standard procedure when dealing with claims.
Some people are disappointed when they see the size of their house insurance claim. They want to be compensated for the cost of repairing their home after it was damaged by fire, theft, or some other cause. This can be difficult because some policies limit what is covered in a given situation.
The following tips can be used to help get back more money after making a home insurance claim
1. Get the best insurance policy quote available by shopping around and reading through all of the fine print carefully. Your policy should cover all aspects of your home, including the interior and exterior as well as personal possessions. Some companies have been sued over their coverage in certain situations, so it is important to do your homework before signing anything.
2. Get estimates from at least three different contractors regarding the cost of repairing whatever was damaged after a fire or flood, etc. You may see a difference in cost, and you should know exactly how much it will cost before you do anything. It’s always best to have all of the facts before making any decisions, so that you can make a decision that is the most financially worthwhile for your family.
3. Figure out who would be responsible for paying for the repairs and what percentage of that amount each party is going to pay. If you have a good idea of how much things will cost, this will be easier to calculate when it gets time to settle up with your insurance company.
4. Ask the contractors to give you their price prior to even starting any repairs or renovations on your home. You should be able to find things that can be done immediately and easily, such as replacing a broken window, before you have to worry about the more expensive repairs.
5. Take photos of everything that needs to be replaced, repaired or restored after the damage has been repaired. This will make it easier for you to keep track of what was done and make sure that your insurance company is aware of all of the work that has been done.
6. Keep receipts whenever something is purchased or when you hire someone to help with repairs in your home. Receipts are important if you ever need them later on down the road, so it would be better if they were already in hand when this day comes around.