
Did you just click “send” on an awkwardly-worded business email? Perhaps, you were a little too upset with your boss?

Act quickly! You only have 30-seconds to undue a potentially career-ending email.

However, Google’s lifesaving “unsend” option won’t always be around to save the day. Thus, understanding professional email etiquette is crucial.

Avoid potential disasters with the following tips and tricks for proper email etiquette.

Writing Appropriate Subject Headers for Work

Subject lines are tricky. Unless you’re pretty comfortable with your colleague, you’ll want to avoid headers that are too casual.

For example, if you’re a job candidate following up on an interview, you would include the job title, along with “interview follow-up.”

Suppose you’re trying to set up a meeting with a potential client. You could keep your subject line simple with a basic “Request for meeting with (job title).”

Other examples include:

  • Schedule a Meeting to discuss
  • Save the date
  • Discuss an opportunity
  • Do you have time for (meeting topic)?

You could also follow up with the following headers:

  • Emailing to confirm meeting
  • Today’s meeting on (subject of discussion)
  • Meeting invitation
  • Meeting confirmation
  • Follow-up for tomorrow’s meeting
  • Attention Required

The above examples are suitable for professional communications and interdepartmental emails. However, you can up the creativity for consumer emails.

Good Email Etiquette for Business Prioritizes Security

Professionally-written emails are essential, but they don’t make up for careless security mistakes.

For example, including a password in your email can have far-reaching consequences. Outside hackers are only one concern. Internal hackers are a real inside threat, as well.

Company email accounts should only be accessed through company-issued devices. Plus, IT managers can encrypt the business network for extra security. You can also ask the IT department to restrict email access to specified users.

Identifiable information is problematic, too. Of course, job titles, business phone numbers, and offices are necessary; avoid including the following information:

  • Personal home addresses
  • Personal email addresses
  • Credit card numbers
  • PINs
  • Drivers license numbers
  • Personal phone numbers
  • Names of personal relatives
  • Children’s schools
  • Images of children
  • License plate numbers

Even disclosing your favorite apps could open you up to attack.

If you’re managing an office, you can include the above security protocols in your company’s technology use policy.

Remember to wipe and destroy any company devices with compromised email accounts. This article goes more in-depth into managing your read emails.

What’s the Best Business Email Etiquette for Vacation?

You’re long overdue for a vacation. Unfortunately, not every coworker or client will get the memo.

In these cases, you can automate your email responses.

Write a simple “out of the office” message and program your email client to respond to emails with that message instantly. Users can still reply to the email thread with more information, too.

Master Professional Email Etiquette in Minutes!

You have enough work stress. Don’t let email slip-ups pile onto the load.

Remember these easy professional email etiquette tips when you open your laptop tomorrow morning. Ensure you have relevant subject lines, email security, and automated vacation emails.

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