According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), office workers are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to fall and suffer an injury than non-office workers. 

Given statistics like these, it is best to be prepared for anything that might happen in the office by making a first aid kit. 

A first aid kit is important to have on hand because it carries the most important supplies for treating minor injuries that employees might incur during their workday. Read our top three tips for how to put together a state-of-the-art first aid kit for your office.

1. Making a First Aid Kit: Customize It

The best thing about making a first aid kit is that you can make it entirely your own. It can be packed with all of the essentials to suit your needs and the needs of your office. 

Whether you buy online first aid supplies or put the kit together entirely on your own, what goes inside is up to you. Include any items that you think might be useful for the whole team: general painkillers, bandages, disinfectant, emergency numbers.

You can also personalize the items inside for the employees in your office. If you know that someone on your team has a serious allergy, for example, it might be a good idea to include an epinephrine injector in the kit as well. 

2. Cover the Basics With Your First Aid Kit Supplies

As great and important as it is to customize your first aid kit for your specific needs, having a first aid kit is not quite as useful if it does not include your basic essentials.

Here are some items every basic first aid kit should include:

  • A manual, or something detailing the contents of the first aid kit
  • Adhesive bandages, of varying sizes
  • Gauze or some other absorbent material
  • Latex-free gloves
  • A thermometer
  • Painkillers: aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen
  • Antiseptic wipes

3. Keep It Handy, Keep It Stocked

Hopefully, your office is full of employees that have been around enough that they’re not asking, “What’s a first aid kit?” But you don’t want them asking, “Where’s the first aid kit?” either. The kit in your office should be handy and accessible whenever a need arises.

It is also important to keep your first aid kit stocked with materials that are up-to-date and have not gone past their expiration dates. Check it regularly, and make sure to replace anything that has expired or run low in stock.

Office Health Goes Beyond First Aid

Making a first aid kit and keeping it stocked and handy in your office is a great first step toward taking care of your employees’ health. Sometimes, however, your employees’ safety is a little bit more complicated than whipping out an antiseptic wipe and a bandage.

It’s important to consider the health and safety of your employees from all angles and ensure that they’re working in a comfortable environment. You love this article then be sure to check out our other Business blog posts to learn more about optimizing your office.