Why is quitting so difficult? Everyone is aware of the consequences of smoking, but that doesn’t come easily to quit. So, whether you are a casual teenage smoker or an extra smoker, quitting might be difficult. 

To successfully quit smoking, you must treat both the addictions and the associated behaviors and routines. And it is possible. You may start your journey on how to quit smoking with help from Smokefree Clinic or by training yourself. With the appropriate assistance and quit strategy, any smoker can overcome their addiction—even if they have tried but failed previously.

Tobacco use is both physical and psychologically addictive. Cigarette nicotine produces a brief (and addictive) sensation. When you stop getting your nicotine dose regularly, your body goes through physical symptoms of withdrawal and cravings. Since nicotine has a “feel good” impact on the brain, individuals may resort to cigarettes as a fast and dependable method to improve their mood, alleviate stress, and relax. Smoking could also be used to cope with sadness, anxiety, and boredom. Quitting entails learning new, better methods to deal with those sensations. 


First, consider what type of smoker you seem to be, what situations in your life necessitate cigarettes, and why. It will assist you in determining which suggestions, approaches, or treatments will be most useful to you.

  • Do you smoke heavily, a packet or two a day, or a casual smoker? Would a single nicotine fix suffice?
  • Do you have any specific activities, events, or persons that you connect with cigarette smoking? For example, do you feel compelled to smoke it after every meal or anytime you stop for coffee?
  • Do you turn to smoke once you are worried or depressed? Does your smoking cigarettes associate with other addictions, including alcoholism or gambling?

Determine your smoking tendencies

Recognizing the aspects that cause you to start smoking, such as specific circumstances, activities, thoughts, and persons, is among the finest things you could do to guide yourself to stop.

Medications and counseling to assist you in quitting smoking

Several techniques have effectively assisted people in quitting smoking. While the first approach you attempt may be effective, it is more likely that you will need to consider a couple of other ways or a mix of therapies to identify the ones that work best for you. For example, it might involve your decision to quit smoking with the help of Smokefree Clinic or other relevant medications.

  • Nicotine replacement treatment is a type of nicotine delivery therapy. Nicotine replacement treatment substitutes nicotine products such as nicotine patches, gum, inhaler, nasal spray, or lozenge for cigarettes. It alleviates certain withdrawal signs by providing tiny and consistent amounts of nicotine to your body even without toxic substances present in cigarettes. This treatment allows you to overcome psychological addictions while also making it simpler to acquire new habits and coping abilities.
  • Non-nicotine medication, these drugs assist you in giving up smoking by decreasing desires and withdrawal signs without the usage of nicotine. 

Quitting cigarette smoking is not easy, especially if you are addicted to it for a very long time. But what is easy in quitting? It is the thought that when you successfully do it, you save yourself from getting medical conditions associated with smoking.