Well, you all must have come across the term webinars, but do you actually know what is a webinar?

A traditional seminar hosted on a web-based platform or software that offers engaging webinar services is known as a webinar. It enables attendees to attend a lecture, seminar, etc. over the web instead of gathering at a physical location. As the name suggests, a webinar is attended by attendees virtually from the comfort of their own space via any device. Various obstacles faced during a live physical seminar such as space limitations and geographical constraints, it’s no more a barrier with webinars.

Webinars are not new, it has been organised by many organisations in the past few years. If organised tactfully, webinar holds the ability to boost business growth and revenues by generating ample leads. Amongst the most powerful marketing strategies for business growth, webinar holds its place. Some companies have delivered successful webinars by leveraging the right technology that offers comprehensive webinar solutions. Whereas some fail badly at the first attempt resulting in incredibly poor webinars. Prevent your business from hosting a poor quality webinar. With the right planning, strategy, and leveraging the right webinar services, you are sure to generate better results from webinars. In this post, we have listed sure shot 6 incredible ways to boost your business with webinars. Time to get started!

6 Incredible tips to get better output from webinars

Boost your business growth by hosting webinars. Here are 6 incredible tips to host a successful webinar and get 10x more output from it. Have a look:

1.Generate an effective topic for your webinar

If you are organising a webinar surrounding a boring topic that does not hold audience interest, it’s a disaster itself. Do a little research about the subject before organising a webinar. If only a small percentage of attendees hold an interest in the topic, then putting effort into marketing and organising a webinar is a waste of time. It will result in a complete failure thus affecting your business growth and revenues. To upgrade and boost your business revenues generate the topic that holds attendee’s interest.

Selecting a topic for a webinar that has already proven itself is the key to a successful webinar. For instance: The topic that is trending and has maximum tweets holds the attendee’s interest right before the webinar. Apart from it, an ebook or a report or case study that has maximum downloads indicates that people are interested in such topics. Do a little research before generating a topic for your webinar to make it successful and boost your business.

2. Reduce the frequency of hosting webinars

Hosting hundreds of webinars every year is of no use. Organisations that followed the trend have seen the results in the coming few months. It resulted in delivering incredibly poor quality webinars thus affecting business growth. Doing multiple webinars per week or months sounds crazy. Instead of organising several webinars lined up for a month, organise one big splendid webinar per month. Keep attendees’ interest in mind and focus on delivering a quality webinar instead of delivering multiple webinars. Recent research reports that a big monthly webinar receives 5000+ more registrations when compared to small weekly webinars.

3. Promote and market your webinar

Go crazy in promoting your webinar at full-fledge. It doesn’t matter how good your webinar content is if your attendees are not aware of it. You need to promote your webinar to make your attendees aware of the upcoming webinar. Target your potential target audience via email blasts. But it won’t be enough alone. You need to leverage social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. to reach your audience. Apart from it, you can target your audience with Google ads, Facebook ads, and so on and ensure maximum attendance at your webinar.

4. Practice a few times before a webinar

Before the webinar, do practice your presentation a few times before for a fluent and crisp speech. To deliver an amazing webinar and immersive event experiences to attendees it is necessary to go with practice sessions. It helps speakers to have fluent speech and attendees to remember the webinar for a long time. Try to practice webinars in front of friends or family for feedback and to create a real environment for a webinar. Try to record your practice sessions and hear them again. It helps you to fix any language flaws or any pronunciations or speaking habits.

5. Make your webinars engaging and interactive

Making your webinars engaging and interactive is a must as webinars hold a shorter attention span compared to traditional ones. Attendees are accessing a webinar via screen and are not surrounded by other attendees. Solo webinars result in boring virtual attendees and as a result, they turn off the device. To prevent your attendees from falling amid the session make your webinars interactive. Ask a moderator to ask questions dynamically. It helps in keeping attendees engaged with the event and have real-time interactions. Apart from it, you can even organise live polls, Q&A sessions, or surveys to gain attendee’s opinions. It helps in gaining better clarity about the attendee’s perspective thus keeping them hooked with the event.

6. Follow-up is a must step

Do not forget to send a follow-up survey to attendees and even to non-attendees once the webinar gets over. It helps in generating fresh qualified leads and knows the hotspots that have maximum engagements and those which need improvement.

People who missed the event can even be better leads, so do not forget to do a follow-up with them.

Final word

Have you ever thought about webinars as an effective marketing strategy to boost business growth and revenues? If not, think about it. With the above-mentioned incredible ways, you are sure to host a successful webinar that boosts business growth, sales, and revenues.