Does your business have an SEO strategy? If you don’t, you’re making a big mistake!

You’re also not alone. Only about one-third of American businesses have SEO strategies set up.

You should aim to leave these businesses behind by creating an SEO strategy for your business and attempting to optimize the SEO for your company. One way to do this is by working with one of the many local citation services.

These citation services can make sure that your company’s name, address, and phone number appear online early and often. They’ll provide you with the local citations that you’ll need to drum up more interest in your business.

Don’t trust just any citation service to lend a hand with this aspect of your SEO, though. Instead, call on a local citation service you can trust.

Here is a guide to choosing the right local citation services.

Make a List of Local Citation Services

If your business hasn’t ever taken the time to come up with an SEO strategy, there is a good chance that you might not be all that familiar with local citation services. So you should kickstart your search for a citation service by learning about what your options will be.

Google “local citation services” and see all of the different options that pop up. There are more than a few citation services for you to choose from when you’re in the market for one.

Find Out What Each Local Citation Service Offers

Once you’ve made a list of local citation services, you might be tempted to simply close your eyes and blindly pick one. But if you take this approach, you might end up working with the wrong local citation service.

So rather than going that route, you should set aside some time to research all the various options that you’ll have. It would be a good idea to visit their websites to see what they bring to the table.

This is a very effective way to discover more about all of these local citation services. You can find out how long they’ve been in business, which companies they’ve worked with in the past, and so much more.

See What Kinds of Reputations Local Citation Services Have

You wouldn’t call on a pizza shop with all 1-star reviews to order a couple of pizzas. So why would you call on a local citation service with all 1-star reviews to handle your company’s local citations?

You shouldn’t do this! But unfortunately, many businesses do it because they don’t take the time to check out what kinds of reputations local citation services have.

It would be smart to sift through as many online reviews for local citation services as you can. The more you’re able to read through, the easier it’ll be for you to tell what kind of reputation a citation service has.

You can then use everything that you learn from online reviews to help dictate your decision on which local citation service to contact for help.

Ask Local Citation Services How They Would Help You

Regardless of which local citation service you choose to work with, you don’t ever want them to take a cookie-cutter approach to earning you local citations. You want them to customize a plan for you that is just about guaranteed to work.

To ensure that this happens, you should ask each of the local citation services that you’re considering what specific steps they would take to help your business. They should have a plan outlined by the time you’re done speaking with them.

If a local citation service doesn’t seem all that interested in creating a special plan for you, they might not be the right choice. You would be better off bringing your business elsewhere.

Consider How Much Each Local Citation Service Would Charge You

You might think that all local citation services would charge right around the same price. But more often than not, there is quite a bit of variance from one local citation service to the next when it comes to price.

For this reason, you shouldn’t be afraid to shop around for the best prices on local citations. You don’t necessarily want to take the cheapest service up on their offer to help you since they might not be prepared to do a good job. But you should keep your budget in mind when choosing a local citation service.

By comparing the prices offered by different local citation services, you’ll be able to get the best deal possible for your business.

Choose the Best Local Citation Service of the Bunch

As long as you’ve taken all of the other steps listed here, you should be all ready to pick out a local citation service when you get to this point. The only thing left to do will be to inform them of your decision.

From there, they can get to work on getting you the local citations that you’re looking for. It won’t be long before you’re seeing your new SEO strategy pay off in a big way.

Begin Searching for Local Citation Services Today

It would be very easy to just pick out the first local citation service you find when you’re on the hunt for one. But that isn’t always going to produce the best results.

To locate a great local citation service, you’ll need to follow each of the steps that we just laid out. It’ll have you working with one of the best local citation services around in no time. It’ll also make all of your SEO efforts well worth it.

Would you like to get some additional tips on improving the ways in which your company does business? Find them in our other blog articles.