A competitive industry such as the food industry exists.

You may be surprised to see how many products are available in the aisles of your local supermarket.

With so many choices out there, it’s crucial for producers to do everything possible to stand out.

Quite simply, your food packaging design makes or breaks how you will perform on the market today.

A marketing campaign using traditional methods, social media, and digital methods will undoubtedly help your cause.

It is still possible for your product’s success to be impacted greatly by sponsorships, affiliations with charities, sports events, and even word-of-mouth marketing.

A marketing campaign will be less likely to be successful if your product is not packaged in an attractive manner to your target market.

You can create a positive and memorable impression of your product by using an appealing design for food packaging.

It will build a culture around your products and evoke feeling and emotion in your customer and best of all can help you increase sales.

In addition, you can demonstrate that your company is ethical, forward-thinking, and conscious and demonstrate how much it cares about its customers.

Food packaging is such an integral part of your potential success that we’ve put together a list of the top ten things a food brand must consider when designing appealing food packaging for its products.

Packages That Entice People to Consume Food

In a grocery store, customers have so many options when standing in front of the refrigerator.

Such decisions are made almost instinctively and quickly.

As a result, consumers’ eyes are drawn to the product whose packaging design features a design that makes them believe this is the product that will solve their problem, i.e. quench their thirst and relieve their fatigue.

Through imagery, colors, fonts, and information, you need to be able to entice them to your food packaging design.

1. Develop an Identity for Your Brand

As a food package designer, you must create packages that are aligned with your brand’s message or packages that strengthen your brand’s identity.

If you buy expensive chocolates, for instance, they usually come packaged in boxes that have ribbons or satin veneers that help to showcase their luxurious appearance.

By packaging in this manner, one demonstrates (to a luxury-loving audience) that the same values are also shared.


You can examine the way brand identity is communicated to consumers by picking any green product.

The packaging typically contains recycled materials, and the graphics reflect the brand’s simplistic values through simplicity.

Whether you are selling organic fruit juice, expensive candy, or canned fruit in light syrup, brand identity is about communicating your values to consumers.

You should always use the following principles when creating an identity for your product:

  • Analyze the market and your company.
  • Decide what your key goals are.
  • Customers should be identified.
  • Develop the product’s personality.

You will have to evaluate your business and determine your consumer market as part of this process.

In the meantime, you can create a personality for your brand by creating creative marketing campaigns and strategies after the grunt work is done.

2. Make Use Of Architecture Elements

In the packaging design, three simple principles should guide you:

  • Describe
  • Functionality
  • Beautification

Keep in mind that the package is there to protect the contents, keep its shape and size in alignment with the product, and to enhance its aesthetic appeal to consumers.

Also read The most obvious reason why cake is loved by millions.

To avoid losing money if the product arrives at the store damaged, designers need to ensure that form, beauty, and function are all met with a food package design.

The idea of combining form, functionality, and beauty is evident in many health food products.

In the case of refrigerated products, P.O.M juice containers communicate these principles by giving the appearance that two ripe pomegranates have been placed on top of one another (beauty).

Beverage bottles

Despite the bottle’s fortification, it can be transported easily to any grocery store (function). Further, the bottle sits comfortably on the shelf (form).

A product like this is likely one of the most appealing ones on the shelf, and one that customers are likely to pay more for.

Take a moment to consider this. It takes just a few seconds to divert a consumer’s attention from other products.

The consumer must be able to clearly and concisely understand the contents of the bottle within the first few seconds.

Be sure that nutritional information is easily accessible and remember that you are competing with other products that offer similar or better benefits.

The elements of architecture applied to your product have created something at least pleasing to the consumer’s eye.

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3. Ensure The Packaging Matches The Content

The actual food contents are one of the most important factors in determining the food packaging materials. While this may seem a little obvious in the context of this discussion, it is nonetheless true.

Preservative-laden foods and those with a longer shelf life might provide you with more options than those that spoil quickly and must be refrigerated and packaged in aluminum or plastic packaging.

In addition to safety concerns, there are other factors to consider.

You should choose a packaging design that matches the contents.

Crackers and other types of cookies do not come in containers that store crackers or cookies because they would smush, and flavored water would not come in a pop-top soda can because water is not carbonated or contains ingredients that need to be contained in aluminum.

Packaging for food products must be appealing, and many designers have actually succeeded in creating original packaging that engages the consumer.

One company that does a great job of matching their food products with their packaging is Pringles crisps.


In the early days, the elongated cardboard tube containing the artfully shaped crisps had a red sleeve on which a mustache was printed.

More than 140 countries outside the United States have become fans of the product thanks to its packaging, which attracted millions of consumers to the product.

4. Make it Simple

It may be desirable for designers to choose graphics that convey the perception that the food is as natural as possible, depending on the food product.

By using no more than three colors and a simple script to convey this idea to the consumer, some products can convey this idea more effectively than busy designs with many images or colors.

These products use little graphics and script to convey the idea, typically just a black, white, or another neutral background.

However, the food product packaging design implies it contains a variety of ingredients.

Consumers can clearly understand what is inside the package with fewer colors, designs, and scripts.

The product does not have a script announcing that it is low in calories or preservatives, but consumers can get the same message from looking at the design and interacting with the nutritional label to see whether the design matches what is on the inside.

Justin’s All Natural Maple Almond Butter is an excellent example of how this simplicity is expressed to the consumer.

Example of simplicity design style

There is a picture of almond on the white cover of the jar.

This script is brown, like the shell of an almond. It is almost as if the consumer can see a part of the product through the clear part of the package.

I can only imagine how delicious the product would be when paired with an apple, crackers, or a hearty piece of bread.

5. Design Packaging to Be Versatile

It is very important to be able to use your design in a variety of ways.

Manufacturers of food often create packaging designs that include standard sizes for products that contain more than one serving, for example, a box of crackers.

Boxes of crackers should have this design. Some manufacturers, however, will produce a single serving of a product or pair it with other complementary foods.

Due to this, the design, including the logo, needs to fit into a variety of different types of packaging.

One of the best examples of food packaging versatility is Philadelphia Cream Cheese.

Example of a brand who uses a versatile package design

In a small light cardboard box of the same color, the cream spread is wrapped in blue and silver plastic.

Kraft’s logo appears at the top of the sphere, above the blue script on a white background.

There are several packaging options for this product, including this original packaging, single-serving sizes, plastic containers (large and small), and whipped cream containers.

Due to the fact that both the product’s design and logo are clearly visible, regardless of the packaging, the design of the product will be appropriate for all of the ways it comes packaged. Make sure your logo should be the forefront of your packaging design and for it, logo design templates by PhotoADKing are recommended.

Providing multiple uses for your packaging can accomplish two important goals for manufacturers:

  1. You must be able to cater to a variety of tastes among your target audience.
  1. In the long run, you can save money by not having to re-invent a package when re-packaging different products. Your packaging must allow customers to instantly recognize your product.