It is true that becoming an Android developer is easy, but becoming a successful Android app developer and standing out from crowd is not. You need to put a lots of hard work, passion, dedication, and perseverance to build best Android app that will stand out in play store and app store. In this article I will tell some shortcuts that will surely help you to get all the success you deserve. We compiled some bite-size pro tips from experiences. It does not matter if you just started doing the Android app development or have been working as an Android developer for a while now, the tips we are sharing will surely help you all the times.
Why we should heading ourselves to build an Android app?
You can always rely on a great app to provide you with reliable user interface and amazing experience. All this is possible, thanks to some free tools or paid ones which have been known for its robust features over the years. A well-designed mobile application may actually serve as an advertising medium when properly implemented into social media networks such as Facebook Messenger!
Utilizing these types of platforms will help increase your company’s reach by allowing customers access information about their product 24/7 while also being able to communicate directly without having any middlemen between the two
With more than 80% market share, it’s no wonder this operating system has been crushing its competitors in terms of innovation- not only does Google make developing for mobile devices simple with their powerful SDKs (Software Development Kits), but there are always opportunities available when you can take advantage from an open-source technology like Java or JavaScript.
Here are few effective tips that will Android app Development a Success
Many people may not be aware that Android mobile app developers have always been looking for ways in which they can create great products and provide an excellent experience to their customers. This process is no different with any other type of company, but when you’re developing apps it’s even more crucial because users want everything right away- so there are various challenges faced during the development phase such as ensuring all features work well together or making sure bugs don’t pop up at critical times. To help promote this article we’ve provided some tips readers might find interesting:
1. Book your namespace –
The name of your app is one of the most important parts to getting it into the Google Play Store. It’s obvious that no developer wants their new creation competing with other thousand apps on a marketplace, so they reserve its package and unique identifier in order for people looking at installing an application from this store, knowing what exactly you’re offering them without having any confusion about downloading something else entirely different by mistake. When you plan on releasing an app in the future, it is always better to reserve a name for your customer’s can identify with first and foremost.
2. Read and follow all Android Design Guidelines –
Google has prepared a set of android app Development guidelines to help out new developers to build an effective android application. These materials provide end users with an intuitive understanding and enjoyable experience when using the apps, which will lead them back for more from what they have experienced thus far in life. The following passage is about Google’s newest product release: “Material Design.” This collection provides consistency across all platforms while also promoting user-friendliness by providing clear explanations towards their working principles so you can easily get started implementing it right away on your project without any difficulty whatsoever.
3. Do your Research Well and always listen to the users –
The more information you have before starting the android app development process, the better it will be for you to develop an app. Users love when developers listen and take their feedback seriously because it means they care about what they want in a product. Researching is always good, not only does this save time but also protects designers from making mistakes that could alienate both themselves and potential customers.
Voice feedback from customers is an easy and effective way to know what features your users want you focus on. So, gather as much information before releasing any updates. It really help to have a feedback voice in the development process of new app releases. This can work as your marketing campaigns and Play Store reviews.
The one great metric, User engagement can be tracked long after they’ve already used up all there was potential for improvement within its current iteration; this makes them really valuable data points when considering future changes such things like interface tweaks that may go unnoticed otherwise.
4. Be aware of fragmentation –
The fragmentation of the Android market is a challenge for app developers. Google has released different versions and technologies that have just gotten better, meaning each new version will be more challenging to update an app with than before.
However, this also means your success as an entrepreneur depends on being compatible with these latest updates and if possible still supporting older ones too. Also, it’s important to take into consideration device sizes and screen resolutions. The design of an app can be affected by this factor as well. 88% percent more people use their phones for accessing information than they did five years ago.
5. Optimize your App –
There is nothing more frustrating than an app that takes up space on your phone and doesn’t do what you need it to. For example, if I open up Facebook Messenger while checking my work email one day then end up getting lots of notifications about things happening back home or with friends – this would be super annoying. The speed at which apps are opened makes all the difference in their success rates. It is more depends on the RAM, so keep that mind when developing new app next time around.
6. Development for multiple devices –
Android app development allows the flexibility of using an app on multiple devices. However, for a mobile developer, it can be difficult to test their product across various sizes and resolutions so they should ideally use density-independent pixels instead which means that same application is published at different pixel densities with no quality change.