Research shows that using different types of collaborative tools can improve productivity by at least 10%. Also, about 85% of people that adopt them are more likely to be happy with their work environment.

As the number of remote workers increases due to lifestyle changes, business owners and employers should adopt digital and online tools. These solutions can improve competence and make it easier to handle remote employees.

Are you wondering which platforms you can use to engage and manage remote workers? Read on to discover five collaborative tools that are suitable for businesses. We’ll also explain how they can help you simplify communication and list examples of programs that you can use to streamline processes.

1. Instant Messaging Tools

Among the many collaboration tools, you should consider using instant messaging tools. These tools allow remote workers working on shared projects to enhance teamwork.

Using them in your company can facilitate fast and reliable communication. Some instant messaging tools also come with a video conferencing feature.

This allows you to conduct meetings and pass information to remote teams within a short period. Some of the most popular messaging tools are Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Chatwork.

2. Project Management Tools

Managing shared work can be a significant challenge when employees are in different locations. They have to communicate often to share documents and project instructions.

While these processes allow everyone to participate, handling many files can be exhausting and time-consuming. Project management tools allow teams to manage their work and simplify file sharing.

They also help users track the progress of each project and align their working timelines. Examples of project management tools are Power automate (Microsoft Flow) and Basecamp.

3. Digital Training Platforms

As work practices change, it’s vital to equip employees with new skills to improve their productivity. Digital training tools allow you to create educational content and distribute it to remote workers. You can use these platforms for various purposes, like making podcasts and video instructions.

Since each user can access files sent to them anytime, you reduce back and forth communication. Besides, these tools make learning more interactive, engaging, and fun. Some of the popular digital learning tools are Lessonly and EdCast.

4. Online Collaboration Tools

While most digital tools support remote work, online collaboration tools have specific features to ease teamwork. For example, they may have workspace dashboards to help users organize tasks. They can also include messaging tools to simplify team communication and document sharing.

Microsoft collaboration tools such as SharePoint are among the ideal ones for firms with remote workers. If you want to use this tool in your business, consider getting SharePoint consulting services for easier adoption.

5. Cloud Storage Tools

Using cloud storage tools in your company allows remote workers to use one document at the same time. These platforms also boost the safety of your files in case the central data servers fail.

Additionally, they provide a reliable way for teams to share big files without worrying about storage space. Examples of cloud solutions suitable for companies are Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive.

Empower Your Workers With Collaborative Tools

Using different types of collaborative tools can make it easy to manage remote workers. Start by identifying what you want to simplify and get a tool made for your needs.

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