We are led to believe that everything we are buying has exactly the same ingredients in it as per written on the label. But that’s a scam due to the law of confidentiality most of the ingredients used in the perfumes are kept under wraps even by the best perfumes in Pakistan and it lead to slow depletion of health as so many people are allergic to different chemical whose name are never revealed some perfumes use chemicals that cause carnage of lungs. Most of us use perfumes without being obligated to the term perfume poisoning so here in this article I will share all that you have to know about perfume posing how dangerous it is and how what are the symptoms and what to do when you get to know you are falling victim on the hands of perfume market.
The poisonous chemicals used in the perfume that can cause perfume poisoning are
- Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol)
- Ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
Perfume poising and its treatment:
If your child has ingested perfume it is advised to take him directly to a practitioner the child will be kept under observation for a few hours to see what kinds of symptoms arise and if the child gets serious chance are that you and your child will be kept under observation for 48 hours.
Perfume and Contact dermatitis:
Contact dermatitis is caused when you are physically close to someone who is wearing perfume you don’t necessarily have to be the one wearing the perfume. It causes irritation on your skin and following are the symptoms that are evident on you catching the allergy.
Contact dermatitis and its symptoms:
- itchy, flaking skin
- sensitivity to touch
- hives or blisters
- burning or redness on skin
This allergy gets to treat itself before it need any treatment when you are not close to the substance that instigated the allergy the reaction terminates on its own.
Following are the home remedies that you should opt for
- Washing hands with lukewarm water and soap.
- Hydro allergic products also helps in soothing the allergic area e.g. aloe Vera
Perfumes do contain the following that trigger the health to deplete.
- Asthma and sneezing is caused due to the respiratory sensitizers that are present in the perfume.
- Endocrine system of the body gets off balance due to the existence of hormone sensitizer in the perfume.
- With the frequent usage of perfume there is a hidden ingredient that develops in your body over time and harms your reproductive system.
As the harms of the perfumes are discussed above it is important to notify that most of the perfume companies on deliberately skip mentioning the names of the ingredients and the chemicals used in the synthesis of the perfume. Provided below is the list of the chemical that are deleterious to human health especially for the women who are pregnant.
- Phthalates
- Oxybenzone
- Galaxolide ketone and other musk ketones
- acetaldehyde
- styrene
The narrative of a perfume harming your health comes used the name of perfume posing the name itself suggests that to what extent it can be unfavourable for the health. On different experimentation, it has been discovered that the symptoms of perfume poisoning are equivalent to the as someone has injected a liquor that was alcohol concentrated.
Following are the symptoms of perfume poisoning:
- feeling nauseous along with puking
- having and unstable and off balance walk
- stutter and slurred speech
- sensation of feeling lazy/ deprivation of energy
- bad breath that smells like alcohol
one thing that is always advised by the perfume exerts is to apply it on your pulse points which as per the believes of science is true these points have better supply of blood that makes the scent stay longer but at the same time when the perfume stays on the skin, one out of hundred people might turn out to be allergic to the chemicals in the perfume what happens is that due to the longer stay of perfume on your skin it will absorb as much alcohol in it as possible sue t which many skin allergies may arise or even worse you might develop some type of serious diseases without having any knowledge of it.
Phthalates present in the perfumes when used by a pregnant women may cause some serious respiratory disorders in the child when it is born it may not be evident in the early stages of his life but as he gets older not only does the symptoms become evident but also the condition gets worse since it had not been detected in the early stages.
As EWD evaluates the toxic perfumes on the basis of the ingredients mentioned on it many of the perfumes to this day still remain a mystery whether or not they are toxic or not as majorly of the perfume brands trend to hide the ingredients on the perfume.