You’ve probably seen the headlines before, “Basement Flooding on the Rise,” or you may have even had a problem with your basement flooding yourself. While it can be an inconvenience to deal with water in your basement, there are many reasons why this is happening more often than ever before.

If you experience flooding in your basement, here are some of the most common causes:

Here are some of the most common causes:

1. High water table

One of the main reasons for your basement flooding is that you may have your home built on low ground, where the water level is higher than usual. Many parts of North America are known to be this way (such as Florida); we can experience high water tables during periods of heavy rainfall.

2. Leaky basement walls

Cracks in your foundation can be very problematic because they let water seep into the already-wet soil beneath your house, which then gets pushed up even further into your foundation, saturating it. You may notice that one corner of your home is shallow or damp all the time if water is seeping in through cracks in the foundation. You can seal these cracks with hydraulic cement, but this is only helpful if you find them early enough before they get too big.

3. Sump pump failure

If your basement has a sump pump that is improperly set up or malfunctions, then it may not be able to collect and remove all the water from your basement. If you notice that your sump pump only seems to run for a few seconds before it overflows, or if there’s debris in your line, then this could be what’s causing flooding in your basement.

4. Storm sewer back-up

If heavy rains are coming down hard enough, then you may find that your street’s storm sewer starts to back up. If this is the case, it can push water up to your foundation level, even if your drain system is functioning well. This usually happens during major storms, when lots of rain comes down super quickly.

5. Heavy rains and snow melts

It’s normal for your basement to be damp during the springtime after the winter snow melts. If it starts to get wet in your basement during this time, then there could be a problem with your foundation.

6. Poor grading around the foundation

Another cause of the flooding is poor grading around your house. If water can’t drain away from your home, then it will pool up next to it. This can be caused by an unleveled area, stumps or rocks in the soil, etc.

7. Porous clay soils

Clay tends to absorb water easily and hold onto it for a long time. If your soil is made of mostly clay (even if you live in a dry climate), then you need to ensure that your water drainage system is well-designed and efficient. If there’s clay soil near your home, it can push up groundwater levels and create issues with seepage into your foundation over time.

8. Tree roots

If you have trees growing too close to the edge of your property line, then they can push up the soil and cause water to seep near your foundation. You should make sure that your trees are at least 10 feet away from the edge of your property to avoid this problem.

9. Drainage problems on the street

Problems with storm drains or catch basins on public streets can also lead to flooding in your basement. If too much rainwater is entering the street drainage system, then it may be pushing water into your foundation instead of carrying it away from your home.

10. Newer homes

Many newer homes are built with modern techniques that help to keep water out (such as waterproof membranes, sump pumps, etc.). Still, if you’re in an older home that’s experiencing flooding, then you may want to consider seeking professional help for water damage restoration.