The cat, like all other animals, loses its hair, year after year. Hair grows and dies completely, in a cyclical way, becoming a completely natural phenomenon in animals. Thus, it is sometimes possible to find hair tufts, which are mostly given and multiplied often on carpets or on the couch. This sudden hair loss may be common, but it can also be a symptom of a deeper cause. 

The cat coat is the first visible sign of its condition, especially severe hair loss should not be taken lightly, and sometimes requires a thorough examination and examination by a veterinarian. So what could be the different causes of hair loss in cats? Polytron takes stock and gives you small tips for stabilizing hair removal in cats as well as a variety of cat care options.

My cat is losing hair, what could be the reason?

When you notice that your cat is losing a lot of hair, you should be aware that this may be due to a natural cause, or it may be a sign of infection or dysfunction that needs to be treated. How to make a difference?

Cat hair loss is associated with the season

If you already have a cat, you should have noticed significant hair loss at two important times of the year: in the spring and in the fall. Indeed, a cat has two molts a year. The first happens before summer when he loses all his winter coat to prepare for the summer season with a light coat, and the second happens before winter, his summer coat gives way to a thin coat. full and so warm, which will prevent cooling well.

In both cases, hair loss can sometimes be fun, especially in cats with long hair, but there is no need to worry, it is just a seasonal phenomenon.

Parasites, the reason for hair removal is important

On the other hand, if you notice that your cat is shedding more hair than usual except for these two periods of shedding, this could be a sign of infection. Two common diseases of parasitic ringworm and flea allergy dermatitis (FPAD). Both of these diseases can be treated, however, causing severe itching and severe hair loss.

Ringworm is known because the fungus grows by feeding on keratin present in the hair. As it grows, deformed areas of the circular shape appear on the head, back, and thighs. Ringworm is highly contagious and should be protected as soon as possible because it can also infect humans. DAPP, caused by fleas, triggers a strong attack that causes the cat to destroy violently, to the point of pulling hair.

Other parasites can also be the cause of hair loss such as mange or demodicosis, a rare infection in cats, characterized by a tight fit around the mouth, mouth, and eyes.

Hair loss, a sign of hormonal imbalance?

Another factor that leads to hair loss is a strong hormonal imbalance. If it overflows, the cat may suffer from thyroid and adrenal problems.

When it comes to hormonal imbalance, hair loss is usually localized to the sides and back of the vagina. In this case, the skin also changes appearance, becomes thicker or thinner, and slight dandruff is often seen. To determine if there are any hormonal imbalances, the only solution is to consult a veterinarian for a blood test.

Other causes of hair loss in cats

Hair loss in cats can also be caused by other factors that can be controlled. For example, ask yourself about the diet you regularly give your cat: is it adjusted to its metabolism? Is it high-quality food? In fact, it has been shown that some low-grade beats can cause cataracts, such as excessive hair loss. If your cat is parasitic and has no hormones, try changing its diet.

Similarly, it is possible that diet is the cause of Cat Hair Loss. In fact, it is necessary to do research to determine which foods cause these allergies and thus avoid giving it to a younger partner.

Hair loss cat can be a cat with behavioral problems such as anxiety, stress, or anxiety. The malaise can actually push the cat to remove its hair. It is important to look for the cause of the malaise so that you can act accordingly, especially since depression can lead to complete loss of appetite. You can then treat and treat forced cats. Finally, you should know that a certain age can be attributed to the density of its coat. Adult cats usually appear to have weak hair.

How to fix cat hair loss?

Whether the cat is shedding naturally or for some other reason, it is important to slow down the pouring as much as possible. Of course, in addition to the cleanliness of your cushions and carpets, minimizing cat hair loss is to prevent large hair follicles from forming in its abdomen. To do this, we recommend that you wash cat-short-hair once a week with a soft brush, and at least twice a week on long-hair felines. During the pouring, do not hesitate to increase the amount of brush depending on the size of the brush.